
I’m not an actor, but I think his sense of insecurity is probably at least partially warranted. Not because we associate his face with this stupid ad. But because casting directors may balk at the implicit association. Given that being the type of commercial actor this guy is requires the advanced skills of being

Be careful there, you don’t want to splinter the audience.

The icing on the cake is that the convictions carry a sentence of up to 20 years and he royally pissed off the judge multiple times during the trial!

This process is exhausting. The President is clearly a criminal. Republicans have nothing but bad faith arguments and nobody is going to change their minds because conservatives care more about winning than being right. Fuck this world that I find myself in.

Ahem. The judge was not down with the clown.

One of my favorite Onion articles:

🤮🤮🤢🤢🤮🤮 *my* 🤮🤮🤢🤢🤮🤮

This is fucking child abuse.


Men like him are deeply paranoid about his daughter meeting the 20 year old version of himself.

That is absolutely just fucking gross. 

I regret to inform you that this is not sports

They’re saying Boo-urns.

... I am very much looking forward to the addition of women characters with a bit of agency.

Sanberg went from glass ceiling smasher to professional glazer so fast.

OMG the flaming over the “I’m gonna get a beer” video. I could tell it was coming from people who never spent time in OK. I can hear OK in her voice every time she speaks, in the choice of her words, even her mannerisms. The only people falling for this “East Coast Elite” BS are not from, nor have they ever lived in,

I think that’s a large part of Warren’s appeal to me, at least. Having a plan doesn’t come across as a know-it-all smartypants lecturing but someone who has seen how close to the edge of disaster a family can get. My family had to constantly make plans to get by and be able to revise them on the fly as circumstances

I’ve...had this friend? I’m so embarrassed now that we were ever “friends.”

You’d think someone would have told the daughter of Richard L. Simon of Simon & Schuster fame about the perils of the publishing industry.

What’s parking situation like? Don’t charge me that much money for such a small space and then tell me I have to park on the street. Finding a parking space in that area is hard.