
One month after finalizing their divorce, Pitt moved on with Angelina Jolie

I’d take Peppa Pig anyday over that whiny brat Caillou.

This reads like the push-pull of something that works and feels good for some women being turned into a requirement for other women, to the detriment of their health.

Don’t have to say except shout out to the guy that said his colleagues are preposterous to think they know more than women about their bodies. You da real MVP

This investigation was paid for by the school and the diocese....and they found no wrongdoing on the part of their students. I imagine just the same way the Catholic Church found nary a single orphan was abused by a single priest at their orphanages. 

It’s only important if you think investigations require impartiality.

For the low low price of several grand, you too can get hard hitting investigative techniques like:

I’ve hated Ryan Adams since he remade Taylor Swift’s album and so many music critics were like, “Wow it’s so good and deep now that a SENSITIVE MAN is performing it.”.

That statement at the end...that’s the sort of thing abusers say. Several women, from across the spectrum of age, location, and career status, including his ex-wife, do not just make shit up to shit on him. I’m sure he thinks that, but he’s clearly delusional.

Sew a “B” in front of the first name and pretend you’re Canadian

Slap a B in front of his name as the ultimate fuck you.

Kim K did not originate the not smiling movement.

Wait a few extra days and go to a bulk store, to celebrate 75-90% off cinnamon hearts day! You can get a whole year's supply for two bucks.

Kimmel strikes me as the kind of person who has no values or morals of their own and will just do whatever to make a buck. When Howard Stern style shock-jocks were all the rage, that’s what he was. When he realized he could make more money through lowest common denominator misogynistic trash he jumped into The Man

I still think his inner asshole shines through with his “Hey parents, I’ll put you on TV if you act like a jerk to your kids and make them cry” schtick. They parents are willingly putting themselves out there but every time I see those I feel bad for the little kids. 

While not everyone can celebrate Valentine’s Day (or Galentines Day), everyone can celebrate half-priced chocolate day on February 15th.

Alternative -

“fries before guys”

I take it you’re not a Parks & Recreation fan? It was a pretty funny episode.

Ever roll a stop sign with a cop looking and he just gives you a stern look?