I forget who said it, but it fits - paraphrasing, it represents the worst two things about America - violence and meetings.
He is absolutely right; and doesn’t go far enough. Not only does it destroy brains but families: violence, trauma, fear, and chaos are part and parcel of the early-onset dementia initiated by neurofibrillary tangles. It’s a nightmare.
It’s a replacement for war. Far more socially acceptable and profitable and on a fixed, guaranteed schedule.
As over the top as he is some times, this seems like a decent sword to fall on. God forbid we actually discuss the effect half of cause and effect (smash head into other things repeatedly, get brain damage).
after the first allegation surfaced, i saw a sickening number of democrats at other sites who wanted to “wait for more facts” and “give the state party time to formulate a strategy” before fairfax even thought about resigning.
After reading WaPo’s write-up of Dr. Tyson’s account of what happened (which was apparently leaked to a right wing blog by a Facebook friend and not by her), along with her statement, it is difficult not to believe her completely. Many of us know men like this, or have had similar encounters with men like this, and…
No, this is assault, plain and simple. Joke all you want but this woman sounds like or checks all the boxes of a sexual predator.
I think people are missing the lede here -- AMI got a pass from the Mueller investigation. Now they’ve been caught extorting someone in direct relation to the Trump investigation. Did they just rip up their free pass? I don’t know, but my Mueller investigation feeds and communities (yeah I’m a junkie) are freaking…
And now the whole world is stuck holding the ruler in two rich white dudes’ dick measuring contest. Neat.
This flippant tone seems really inappropriate when covering a horrendous invasion of privacy. Revenge porn is a form of sexual assault. This is not a “dick measuring contest” between two men, it’s one man revealing threats of sexual assault made against him by another. I get that Bezos is not a pleasant person, but I…
Not a huge Bezos fan, but I hope he takes them down hard over this.
Are you implying that if someone wanted to try hard enough they should be able to breast feed? It sounds that way, but I’m sure it cannot be what you meant to say. Maybe edit for clarification? Because saying that would be really cruel and medically incorrect. Some women just....cannot. You come across really self…
That paparazzi will follow her if she’s out with her baby sounds like a fucking nightmare.
Oh, yeah, the plagiarism detector caught it straight away... but I’d have been on it anyway: the shift in tone and quality stood out like a sore thumb. What the detector does do is make it very easy to show the student exactly where they stole something from when the inevitable tense meeting happens shortly after they…
Gold. Did you use one of the online plagiarism-detectors to identify the source or was this before those were invented? I especially don’t know how students today could possibly think they’d get away with this kind of thing.
I remember one of my student's essays..most of it was barely coherent, semiliterate waffle except for one lengthy passage that was clear, concise and well researched. She was cunning though: she made sure to lift that section in its entirety from a professor at this obscure, backwater university called..um..Cambridge?
Everyone is horrible, part eleventy billion.
She lifted someone’s story about a man named Jed
A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
And then one day she was shootin off her mouth,
And now she’s all shocked that it’s all gone south.