Other women should Know Better than to be in That Kind of Situation. That’s Betsy DeVos in a nutshell.
Other women should Know Better than to be in That Kind of Situation. That’s Betsy DeVos in a nutshell.
“A girl who struggles”
I use food stamps. I don’t have an iPhone...but I don’t have a “fancy” smartphone ..that I bought used off of eBay. You understand it’s basically a necessity to have a smart phone in this day and age? I also have a nice name handbag I received as a Xmas gift five years ago that I have kept in impeccable condition.…
Her constituents did that already.
“You’re poor! How dare you have anything that brings you happiness and comfort! I as a taxpayer demand that the government approve all of your purchases and actions!” -Republicans who claim to support capitalism and less government control over citizens.
She’s the future. And every time they look at her, deep down they know that she had to be smarter, better and work harder than them to get there. And she did it.
“-functions much in the same way flat-screen televisions and nice sneakers show up in conservative rhetoric about people on Medicaid or receiving food stamps.”
So long as they’re cheap t-shirts. If they’re fancy, like fitted or god forbid with buttons on the collar, it’ll obviously prove she’s secretly rich. Fox will be checking closely for cotton/poly blends.
These people are all terrified of her, of what she represents.
What exactly is wrong with this bitch? Why does she hate other women so much? She’s so fucking rich that she feels that protected from the issues most other women must worry about, and protected by the patriarchy promising to pat her on the back for upholding it? Fuck her.
Additionally, the Washington Post reports that the department “will not consider a school to be skirting its responsibility to investigate an accusation if instead it offers accusers accommodations such as a schedule change, a no-contact order or new housing.”
This is absolutely sickening.
Ladies and gentlemen: the president of the United States.
It’s the idea that suicide is something you can DO to a person by breaking their heart. Obviously external circumstances can influence a person’s mood, but by saying it was because of a broken heart implies that Bourdain was wronged and whoever wronged him is somehow responsible for his death. Not only that, but as…
Because the right wingers believe that women who have abortions are whores who should have to suffer the consequences of having consensual sex. This is all about condemning women’s behavior, not about “life”.
American women are outperforming men in college, as doctors, etc. Women are now able to have their own income, bank accounts, property, etc. and the means to leave abusive men. Men can’t handle this, and believe that disallowing women to control their own bodies will force them back into the kitchen, dependent on men.…
Former porn stars = evil.
If I remember correctly, Hartley is also a former nurse - she could provide a unique perspective on sexual health.
Most people don’t actually listen to the words in songs. So yes, after years of “listening” to her music, a lot of people were probably shocked to find out that’s what she often writes and sings about. Here’s a good example: when out with a friend once, George Michael’s Freedom came on. I mention that the thing I…