
My godfather is retired Special Forces. He has done some truly incredible things for his country and deserves respect as a vet. He loves animals and is deeply involved in veterans programs in his area. He also holds some of the shittiest, misogynistic, hateful opinions and spouts them off and I hate getting gifts and

My Air Force husband actually thinks being a Seal or any other special forces should disallow you from being in politics. So much of the training encourages that “us vs them” mindset that is so poisonous in politics. 

Emily, Crenshaw may be ‘cute’, but he also thinks abortion is ‘evil’ and talks about ‘radical leftists’, and gun control advocates are ‘stupid’. So, notsmuch.

I’ve enjoyed this site over many years but please stop with the clickbait headlines regarding science and nutrition. The American populace is confused enough about how to interpret the often conflicting scientific studies that come at them daily. We need fewer eye catching headlines and more science writers who know

I’m really not trying to be a dick, but I read this several months ago. As far as I know, it is still good for your brain, and fish oils are among the best for over all good health. They are Omega 3 Oils which are superior anti-inflammatories, as opposed to the majority of oils which we consume, which are Omega 6 -

“Chester Delancy Whitecracker” is an awfully black name, man. Now, if you were “Maverick Brayden Larsen,” we might be getting somewhere.

had been suspended because he placed “his hands on a young woman.”

Why are we letting this administration do these things like they’re normal? I don’t necessarily mean us little people, at least in this situation. The rest of the reporters in that room? Their network bosses? Unions? Someone to take immediate and direct action?

Ever wonder why Maggie Haberman made such a big deal out of defending Sarah Huckabee Sanders earlier this year? Ever wonder why Chuck Todd pisses his pants at the prospect of confronting anyone from that administration?

Nope. And Jeff Mason, the Reuters correspondent who was sitting next to Acosta at the time is on record saying that Jim never laid a hand on the intern. He’s posted pictures from the Reuters’s feed that back up Acosta’s denial.

Enjoy the post-midterm descent into lunacy.

You are not blind. It never happened. Acosta simply held on the the mike when she reached for it.

Am I blind? I’ve watched the clip several times and I don’t see him putting his hands on her.

Oh. My. God. That one where a female journalist of color asked a question and HE PRETENDED HE COULDN’T UNDERSTAND HER ACCENT.

My skin is still crawling. It’s on the way out the door.

His current mustache really adds to the Extreme British-ness of the whole thing:

Benedict Cumberwhat is correct. Chamomile is a tisane, as is mint and Rooibos. Tisanes are not tea.  

“I know some of you are curious about the breakup, but the truth is, it’s nobody’s business. Sometimes things just don’t work out, and that’s OK. She’s a wonderful, strong person, and I genuinely wish her all the happiness in the world.”

thoughts and prayers

He’s really good at explaining specifics and nuances to a macro-audience. Without Steve, I would have never known that Andrew Gillum winning the FL primary was such a big upset, or how and why.