The “and I turned out alright” is the same defense for NOT bothering with safety equipment or vaccinations. Sure, you survived. But the reason this shit exists is because A LOT OF CHILDREN DIDN’T AND THEY AREN’T HERE TO TELL YOU THAT.
The “and I turned out alright” is the same defense for NOT bothering with safety equipment or vaccinations. Sure, you survived. But the reason this shit exists is because A LOT OF CHILDREN DIDN’T AND THEY AREN’T HERE TO TELL YOU THAT.
My state actually mails out developmentally appropriate packets for both of my kids once every year or so, and it’s great. (I think it’s based on the hospital submitting their birth information?) Information on what milestones they should be hitting, what vaccinations they should be getting, proper portion size, etc.…
Wait, so the split was in mid October and just over two weeks later she has the breakup song already written produced and published and we’re still led to believe that this ‘relationship’ wasn’t just a clever PR stunt by their respective publicists, keeping her in the news 24/7 to promote her new music and raising his…
Articles like this always bring to mind my ex’s family. We dated for five years and would every so often visit his family for a day, which included his mom and whomever she was dating at the time, his grandmother, and his sister and her husband and two kids.
We need to start arming parents with the tools to raise children. Doesn’t matter if you are a young parent or an old parent - lots of people just don’t have a fucking clue on what to do when your kid is acting up.
I think we need to look at spanking like car seats. So many people hear “you shouldn’t spank your kids” and immediately get defensive because their parents spanked them, and if you aren’t supposed to, than that means that they had bad parents. But they love their parents, they couldn’t have been bad, so that must mean…
Ugh, yeah, being slapped has stayed with me much more vividly than being spanked. Not that either happened very often, but getting hit in the face is so personal, it just added to the humiliation. It also hurts much more; I guess probably because there’s less fat to cushion the blow, or something.
Seriously! Have you ever seen a little kid? They are LITTLE. And trusting and defenseless and dependent on adults to keep them safe. Anyone who thinks it is okay to hit them has serious issues.
It amazes me how many of my childless, liberal friends say, “You should slap him” when I tell them how my teenager is being. How is violence an effective parenting tool? I was hit (including in the face) as a child and it left me with trauma that I only discovered at 40; for every adult that turned out all right I’m…
Always confused me how it was a crime to hit an adult. But a defenseless child that you have complete and total control over - smack and whip away.
The best response I’ve ever read to “Look, my parents spanked me and I turned out fine!” is “No, you didn’t. You think it is okay to hit little kids.”
And notice that they aren’t doing it with Rage Against the Machine or another band who would likely sue them or find some other way to really do anything about it.
I think Trump and his staff intentionally uses music by artists who oppose him and his policies just to piss these artists and their fans off. For Trump - there is no such thing as bad publicity and it proves he can do anything he wants without consequences. He loves getting under people’s skin and most of his base…
It seems like they are doing it on purpose at this point, going out of their way to play music by artists they know are anti-Trump, so they can then then play the never-ending victim card that they are being bullied by the Hollywood leftist elite or what have you.
They just don't believe black women are women, period. I'm done with this fuckery.
That “honey” tweet above? Go ahead and click on it, folks. If you scroll all the way up, you’ll see that Claire Willett actually went to the trouble of writing out a 28-tweet thread in order to lay out exactly What The Problem Is, starting with this:
I see we’ve all decided to forget how creepy Pete Davidson was to Ariana Grande and all the *insert Whoopi “You in danger, girl” gif here* moments, in favor of yet again blaming Ariana Grande for not being nicer to her troubled ex. Interesting.
I went on a trip down memory lane the other day and looked up the classes currently being taught at my high school - I was curious how the curriculum had changed in the fifteen years since I graduated. Now they have a separate health class on dating and relationships - and one of the “course objectives” is “how to…
Haven’t we said before that the most accurate predictor of who will be involved in a mass shooting is his history of domestic violence?
Guess the yoga classes didn’t completely fulfill their early promise of lowered stress and anxiety. More deep breathing, Alex. Also, just because he’s a Trump-hating Dem, and very funny also on 30 Rock doesn’t mean he’s not an asshole.