
I am sure the teens & tweens were delighted to be a the pumpkin patch with daddy & his lady friend.

This couldn’t be another instance of a woman patiently supporting a man while he performs an entire three movement concerto of dumb shit, could it?

I hate the idea of a Revenge Body. It’s insane. What do you even hope to gain, here?  To make the guy regret cheating on you?  And then what?  Like, I get being mad, and I’m all for exercise as therapy, but this kind of crap is not healthy or reasonable.

If I had the money that Louis CK has made from oh, I don’t ONE of his standup specials? I’d be set for life without ever having to work again. I don’t feel sorry for celebrities who have money trouble unless it’s like a TLC-esque exploitation sitaution. I especially don’t feel sorry for this shitstain.

On the other hand, they’ve also been a godsend for those of us who were adopted/are trying to find their birth families and half-siblings. So like anything, it’s about what you use it for I suppose.

On one hand I agree, on the other hand I think it’s worthwhile for people to see how interconnected we we all are abs that everyone came from somewhere. I think it contributes to a global perspective. If being 2% Malaysian forces someone to care about Malaysia more, I call that a success. 

I really should stop thinking that there’ll be no more reasons to just loathe the man even more, cos he always seems to come up with one more.

Yes. He is making a sexual assault joke about a DNA kit. For... some reason.

I like your story, but it made me lol that in canada the moral of the history lesson is the US are dicks bc here in the US, the moral is WE ARE HEROES YOU MUST LOVE US! It wasn’t until I was roughly in high school and I developed my own history reading that I learned the truth that we are, in fact, dicks.

So this happened to me quite some time ago (almost 20 years, wow I feel old!), but I still remember details to this day.

and while he was odd, he was mostly harmless.

I don’t think this is what Jezebel intended for the contest, as it’s not scary. I briefly told this story in the comments of one of the contest pages a few years ago. Frankly, I don’t think about it much, as although it’s not the supernatural element that got to me at the time, it was a frightening experience and

This happened at the end of last year, and very firmly solidified why we got rid of our ex-housemate.

Hi Frida,

This goes back to sometime around my high school years. I was sleeping in my old wooden framed twin bed at home. It was the middle of the night and I rolled over. Next thing I knew an arm was laying across me. I quickly woke up and grabbed it by the wrist with my right hand. I held the wrist at just about a full arm’s

Ok, I’ve been a reader of this thread for a few years now, every year I both love and loathe this thread because my morbid curiosity and inability to stop reading inevitably leaves me scared shitless for several days, and then I start the cycle all over again. This year, I want to submit my own.

My cousin’s father passed away when he was a young teenager, it was tragic, but his mother remarried a wonderful man and life moved on as life tends to do.

Yaaas I wait for this all year. Ok, ok. Here’s my contribution this year.

So bear with me with the set up, it’s important. My best friend’s father was a funeral director, as was his father and his grandfather. They’ve run the same funeral home for like 100 years. The building itself is comprised of the “old” part, built in the early 1900s and the “new” part, an addition in the 1970s. The