
“To emphasize the heroism of Columbus and his successors as navigators and discoverers, and to deemphasize their genocide, is not a technical necessity but an ideological choice. It serves–unwittingly–to justify what was done.” -Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States

Fuck Trump, and fuck his celebration

In fourteen hundred ninety two

‘we honor his remarkable accomplishments as a navigator, & celebrate his voyage into the unknown expanse of the Atlantic Ocean.’

Sigh, I miss the binders full of women days. It was so simple back then. 

So “Justice” Rapey McBoof-Face has binders full of women just like Mittington Q  Romney. Why am I not surprised?


Hiring all woman and coaching young girls won’t erase the memory of what you did Bart.

I recently had an epiphany. It was not a nice one.

“Susan Collins and Kellyanne Conway Spent the Morning Defending Brett Kavanaugh”

Meanwhile, Kavanaugh spent his morning passed out in his own vomit after a night of binge-drinking.


Memo to Susan Collins: when John fucking Dickerson is giving you a reality-check from the left, your centrism is a fraud.

“We looked up and saw in him possibly our husbands, our sons, our cousins, our co-workers, our brothers.”

I don’t think most of us had any idea how pervasive the problem of sexual assault is...”

“Why don’t women come forward when this happens and not X number of years later?”

This was a big story here in Colorado (every where else as well, obviously, but a bit bigger since it was more local here), and I followed it fairly closely at the time. They started slut shaming the victim right from the get go and never let up. It wasn’t just in the trial and within the rules of evidence, within

I have nothing witty to add here but I try to always remind people that Kobe Bryant is a rapist whenever I happen to be talking about him, which is thankfully rarely, because fuck that guy.

For context on that trial: when I was in law school, our Evidence professor used it as an example of how a defendant’s lawyers can use all kinds of loopholes to call an accuser a shameless whore who’s in it for the money and still stay within the bounds of the rules of evidence. 

I mean that’s shitty for sure, but did you see the one about the guy who was credibly accused of sexual assault and stands to be given a lifetime appointment to our nation’s highest court?

The trial fucking enraged me. Kobe had his scumbag lawyer “accidentally” use the accuser’s full name in open court half a dozen times just to make sure it got out there so legions of unhinged fans would make her life a living hell until she gave up and went away. And it fucking worked. The judge threatened to hold her