Teaching my son about consent has been insanely easy.
Teaching my son about consent has been insanely easy.
I wonder if the Republicans realize what they have unleashed.
I didn’t report my rape because it would have ruined my family. I was raped by my uncle @14 in the upstairs bathroom while the entire family was out in the yard having a bbq. If I had mentioned it to anyone, my father would have killed my uncle, gone to prison, and my family would be over. So I didn’t say anything. I…
The Ghosting Darkness.
I stayed home today because I had food poisoning that had me up late last night vomiting and woke me for more quality time with the toilet this morning. I messaged my supervisor right away, but still had a panic attack that my colleagues will resent me and I will destroy position at work (especially since a week ago I…
Yeah, Darkness has me blocked on social media and won’t return my calls.
believing that they don’t deserve their jobs/spots in school/awards/praise/families/love
“But the kind of insecurity that drives you to overachieve is like constant self-punishment, and if you keep moving your own goalposts, you’ll drive yourself insane.”
It’s just that he talks shit and dead into the camera with conviction, which must be repubes worst fear because it neutralizes and horrifies them.
No offense, but not being appointed to the Supreme Court is not having your life ruined.
He likely is a very different person today.
Here’s the thinghere’s the thing I really like about Avenatti: instead of softballing everything like the Democrats do – which never works, by the way - he plays the game exactly like the shitbag Republicansdo, and they absolutely cannot handle it.
One of the women that signed that letter just found out Kav and his frat buddies bragged and mocked about their conquests with her.
Forget all the reasons that Kavanaugh shouldn’t be on the bench. Forget politics. Just focus on the accusations.
So, with these 2 new accusations, I’m guessing any day now we can expect the GOP to produce a letter signed by an additional 130 women that claim what an honorable gentleman Kavanaugh.
Avenatti also told reporters the woman, whom he did not name, has multiple security clearances and will “literally risk her life’’ by coming forward.
I didn’t realize how fucking dumb Kava-naugh-naugh-not-gonna-work-here truly is.
Forget accusers, what is ruining him right now is basically lying about facts that exist and prove him wrong at every turn. Just keep Kavanaugh talking and pulling proof he did know these people, was at these parties, did talk that way
See, also, Hugo Schwyzer and Eric Schneiderman. Men who pushed their feminism hard and also loved to abuse women and use their power to prevent women from fighting back and reporting on their bullshit.
This is the perfect hunting ground for the “woke” mysogynist. Women have been fighting so hard, and for so long, to be listened and believed. When some rando comes along, and recites the proper feminist codewords, there will always be someone who falls for it, feeling grateful she’s heard and understood.