Of course there is. It’s never just one. NEVER. JUST. ONE.
Of course there is. It’s never just one. NEVER. JUST. ONE.
He is the only one who thinks US v Nixon was wrongly decided and also posits that the President is immune to subpoena or prosecution.
God bless you Mr Ronan Farrow.
Avenatti has a third woman (not Ramirez) ready to testify.
“Ronan Farrow has a new article” is this generation’s “Omar comin’.”
2 thoughts...where there’s smoke, there’s fire. The other is that Ronan Farrow just won a Pulitzer for bringing down Harvey Weinstein; no way this story wasn’t vetted as carefully as can be.
I had the thought that they should have been smart enough not to use a guy accused of sexual harrassment for this. Then I thought, if they used that as exclude people, they'd probably have no one available!
This Kavanaugh thing is like a sexual harassment onion. There’s just layer after layer of creeps defending other creeps and lying (poorly) to cover up their assaults.
In a Twitter thread earlier this week, Whelan tried to pin the alleged assault on another man, but the effort soon fell apart under public scrutiny after Ford rejected the claim. Whelan eventually retracted the accusation and apologized.
The best people.
If she is making this up, how would he know she would accuse him of sexual assault?!
It’s a big deal because this person knew who the accuser was before the accusers name was released. To me, this, along with the list of women, indicates that the details of this assault were known about before Ford came forward and they were already prepping for it.
I mean, he’s okay with being listed as “Justice Kavanaugh, who was credibly accused of rape as a teenager...” is every story about every vote he ever takes, right? He’s going to be Justice Rapist for the rest of his life, he might as well go back to his Appeals circuit job where he won’t be in the spotlight on every…
Theory: Ed Whelan looking at her profile made Ford’s team suspicious that foul play was on the way. Then a few days later, on Thursday night, Whelan makes his move, dropping the batshit Twitter thread implicating someone else. At this point Ford reached out to the FBI, scheduling the meeting yesterday afternoon that…
A real life “Mac”from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Judging by the photo, it’s Fat Psycho Mac.