Sean Penn is a horrible person. Your hatred is justified.
Sean Penn is a horrible person. Your hatred is justified.
I do not know who the hell Demi Moore thinks she is.
This is rational, he’s committed like four hate crimes.
None of my hatreds are irrational. THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID!
That article has haunted me all night and all day.
I´m not holding my breath for them to get it. How long ago was the original Catholic Church scandal? If that didn’t clue people in to how long it can take child victims, in particular, to come forward, I don´t know what will. And since then, it´s been one scandal after another. These people don’t care and it’s on…
I’ve said it in a few posts the last couple days but: I was 14, and assaulted by a boyfriend in a classroom. I told a teacher and she said she didn’t want to hear about my “relationship problems.” This week has been so exhausting. Thank God Mr. Yacht is taking us camping this weekend.
Apparently nobody really listened to all the #metoo stories, because women (and men too) already explained over and over and over and over again why they didn’t report it.
I tried to. When the man behind me at the concert went from putting his hand on my shoulder and my hip to straight up rubbing his dick on me in an effort to intimidate me out of my front row spot,I asked a security guard for help. The security guard walked away and another one stood and watched as the mans friend…
I did report, and when nothing was done, I kept reporting several times a year. For 6 years. He was promoted. My files kept “getting lost” in the HR system. I changed jobs and moved states and lost income and progress in my career.
Because I got away, I convinced myself there was nothing to report. I convinced myself that because it was attempted rape, not completed, no one would care. I didn’t tell anyone for 4 years and even then I played it off as not a big deal. We tell ourselves all kinds of things so that we don’t have to be a victim. I…
I really don’t understand why so many people ask the question “Why wait till now to come out with this story?!” Is there EVER a “good” time to reveal that an assault occurred? Along with the physical and emotional scars of such an experience, it leads to the victim being labeled as a liar, as a whore, as a con artist…
I was 10. I was afraid of him. I knew that if I said anything to anyone, he’d kill me or them. Two weeks later my grandfather died, and I thought that meant he found out and so it was my fault. Then my dog died, ditto. Once you feel responsible for the death of your grandfather and your dog at age 10 you learn to keep…
I’ll take a wild guess and assume the foxes have much better developed fighting skills since they apply them daily in the wild. It’s like a German Shepherd vs. a Wolf. The wild animal has far more practice and so has higher baseline skills.
That reminds me of a story in the paper when I first moved to Phoenix that had everyone on the job site laughing. A woman was trying to sue a developer because they hadn’t disclosed that local wildlife would eat her cats if she let them run free.
Well, another good story to point out to cat owners who get their pets go outside. They aren’t meant to go outside, they’re domesticated. Nothing good will come of it. They can run away, kill wildlife for sport, or have wildlife kill them.
Fuck you Ralph.