Uh, “staying out of each other’s sexual business” definitely ends where serial sexual assault and harassment begins.
Uh, “staying out of each other’s sexual business” definitely ends where serial sexual assault and harassment begins.
Bye, Felicia.
Fuck Julie Chen Moonves and the horse she rode in on. There’s some goss that she was actually bullying people at CBS with shit like, “x,y,z and my husband will fire your ass.”
How did Choc get banned?
Emily Heller is nominated for best writing on a comedy for Barry. She is winning for best purse by Getty Images.
Tiffany Haddish’s dress reminds me of the parachute we played with in elementary school gym class. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.
People almost always first call me by a diminutive of my name (which is an entirely different name, but much more common) because they mishear it no matter how clearly I enunciate. Most people stop when I correct them, except for one woman who I’ve had to correct EVERY 👏 SINGLE 👏 TIME 👏 for years. I’m glad I don’t…
I definitely thought it was “Bad Barbie” until this very article.
Thank you for the clarification re: Bhad Bhabie. I wasn’t sure if it was Bad Baby or Bad Barbie with a Boston accent.
This is somehow more earth-shattering than learning Bhad Bhabie is pronounced “bad baby”
I literally yelled “No!” in distress when I read that thing about Katy Perry replacing Victoria. (I know it’s just Mel B. saying a thing, and nothing against Katy Perry, but Posh is irreplaceable. And if she *were* replaceable, it would not be by Katy Perry.)
Miscarriage #2 this year. Dudepheelio is super supportive and I think it might be worse for him. He said he doesn’t want to keep getting me pregnant and then watching this happen, and that trying is 100% my choice, but I’m like, “Fuck it, let’s dance.”
I still can't believe all of that baseball debt barely made a blip in the news cycle. Either the dude is so fucking irresponsible he shouldn't be within a thousand miles of SCOTUS, or it was a cover up for something else.
This happened 35 years ago! You can’t possibly hold people accountable for things they’ve done throughout their life.
The running theory is that the tens of thousands of dollars he spent on baseball tickets was basically a way to cover up a hush money payment to a woman he harassed/assaulted.
Yup. The Republicans will only care if the guy’s caught with a dead girl or a live boy.
The Republicans would vote yes on Kavanaugh even if it turned out he was both Jack the Ripper and Dracula. The only way this would scuttle his nomination is if he bowed out on his own.
The grim truth is, he could have raped this girl, gotten her pregnant, and forced her to have an abortion...and it wouldn’t make a damn bit of difference.
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na JON HAMMMMMMM.