She wasn’t just any woman, she was a woman spreading the idea that women don’t have to be pleasing to men to be worthy of respect and human dignity.
She wasn’t just any woman, she was a woman spreading the idea that women don’t have to be pleasing to men to be worthy of respect and human dignity.
The wild success of Cagney & Lacey must have just made him miiiiserable. Guys like that hate to see success in older women who are more than eye candy.
I was just reading Dixie Carter’s Wikipedia article and was quite surprised to read this:
I know that speech by heart, down to the cadences Dixie Carter performed into it. I loved Designing Women.
Or kept their own heads down because they were afraid of losing their own job. Ugh.
I seriously don’t know what happens in a man’s head to make him actively hate women to that level. I mean, I know we all swim in misogyny, women included, but it’s bizarre to me. The woman was making money for the network, but his…
Ronan Farrow’s article discusses the misogyny behind the scenes at 60 Minutes.
In addition to legal defense funding from Times Up, I’d love to see projects from sidelined women, especially this one, financed as well. I would have watched the shit out of Fully Clothed Non-Dancing Women!
I have always loved her work and wondered what happened to her career. Such great material, then...nothing.
All of this does explain why CBS’s line up sucked so badly for the last 20 years. I watched a couple seasons of CSI, but other than that, I cannot think of a single show that I have watched on that network since the turn of the century.
The new definition defines it as “unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex that is so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it denies a person access to the school’s education program or activity.”
Oh god, they’re related to Robert the Bruce. I’m related to Robert the Bruce. I’m part of this now.
The only way to get Samantha Markle and her ilk to shut the fuck up is for everyone to stop paying attention to them.
“Overly-white”? Have you not been paying attention to TV commercials? Until your smile is as white as White-Out, you’re ugly and gross and haggardly and shouldn’t be kissed or loved by anyone.
Wow. Miss Michigan looks like a doppelganger of Amber Heard.
as a family we were disinterestedly watching celebrity family feud when the pageant began. at miss michigan’s introduction we cheered, rewound, cheered again, and rewound a third time to bask in this heroine’s bravery.
I wonder if Google could help you figure it out?
I remember when Jill Abramson at the NYT supposedly had anger and likeability problems. Her male colleague put his fist through a wall, something she never did, but he didn’t get fired. Better yet, he took her job when she got fired.