
the real Emmys next week

The older I get, the more the term hysterical provokes a cold, decidedly unhysterical, fury.

The phrase: “The mother of all meltdowns,” attached to Serena when male tennis players like Andy Roddick and the guy literally famous for his short temper, John Fucking McEnroe really REALLY puts into light how sexist tennis is.

FFS, she’s not a goddamn manic pixie dream girl; it wasn’t her job to “fix” a damaged guy, even if for some ridiculous reason you think she would have been able to do so in the first place.

Everyone insists on ride or die loyalty particularly on women. Some people are not equipped nor inclined to handle the emotional fallout from a paramour’s addiction and mental illness. It’s insane they want her to fix him and and treat him as a victim of uncaring woman. It gets old real quick dealing with someone

First she was harassed about the Manchester Bombing, then she was harassed for putting on the One Love show she didn’t have to even consider performing at let alone helping to put together, and now she’s harassed for someone else’s demons and personal issues.

Also while dealing with being publicly groped by a PASTOR at Aretha Franklin’s funeral! This young woman’s life is basically female experience on blast.

WHY isn’t he in jail for blowing an unarmed CHILD’S head off?

#TeamNoone, Cardi B’s homo- and transphobia against Minaj’s constant support of sexual abusers.

As someone who broke up with an addict and had people cast every success in my life after that as something I was “doing to them”, fuck all that noise. If seeing his ex happy was enough to push him over the edge, he then he was going over the edge anyway.

I heard someone say earlier this week “you are not responsible for how others process their pain”, and I think it’s so applicable here. Even if (and it’s a huge if), their break and Ariana’s subsequent engagement pushed Mac off some mythical ledge, it’s not on her.

You seem to be missing the point. The “why do you care and what’s your problem” is not dedicated to the readers of the article, but to the trolls who are accusing Ariana of causing her ex’s death. That’s a fucked up thing to do, by any standards.

The groping was widely reported because it was a demonstration of the

I love how George looks like he is having a great time dodging those shoes.


Maybe Jez needs to get off Cardi’s dick for a while. She’s pretty clearly not the role model you guys think she is. She’s got some serious issues. It doesn’t matter why she threw a shoe at another person. It’s not healthy behavior.

Fyi: Meghan's pasta hack is slow cooking zucchini for four hours to make it into a sauce. I found a recipe for it using an InstaPot that cut the cooking time down to one hour (so, a hack of a hack?) Long story long, it was fucking delicious.

What is wrong with people? Grande is likely grieving someone she once loved and people are blaming her for his death. That’s so disgusting. We need to collectively go to our rooms and think about what we’ve done.

I hope Ariana has a lot of really supportive people in her life because these last couple of weeks have been awful. 

It’s disgusting that people blame Ariana for Mac’s OD. She was with him for two years and felt the weight of his addictions. No one needs to stay with an addict. That said, people on Jezebel were also blaming Asia Argento for Bourdain’s suicide. I could not believe it! All these people are well over 18 and have to be