
He is probably used to getting away with behaving like that because of his role within his church. People probably don’t DARE question his behavior. She is young and attractive, and much smaller than he is physically - he thought he had a right to put hands on her.

Come on, telling someone their name sounds like a menu item is NEVER acceptable; specifying “a Taco Bell menu item” is racist af whether you’re referring to someone who is latinx or not.

He was visibly digging in while she kept trying to pull away. He knew.

I don’t know much about this bishop but I do know a lot about churches and my husband and I concluded that this is probably how he acts all the time, both the questionable ‘jokes’ and overly touchy/gropy in his own church (which Wikipedia tells me is a megachurch and that he basically inherited his position there from

You can literally see her pulling against his hand the whole time, clearly trying to create some separation between the two of them. I’m pretty sure he didn’t have any of his male guests in that kind of iron grip.

That’s the first thing my eye was drawn to. Like wtf that is not a hug how do you have your fingers in a vise grip right by her breast. What a fucking creepy creeperton! If he’s like that on a broadcast god only knows what else he is up to. *shudder*

I was once thanking a Pastor for conducting a funeral service at my funeral home and as I shook his hand, he pulled my arm and gave me a fucking gross, wet kiss on my cheek very near my lips. I couldn’t tell him off because we were standing next to the family of the deceased but holy fuck did I feel tricked. Men of ‘hi

But about Ariana’s dress: This first line from a story that just posted on the Houston Chronicle’s site is everything:

Seconded. I just realized this year that the Royal Ascot was some kind of race and not just a wear fancy hats celebration. Hats all day, please.

Fantasia’s hat is really chic. It’s one of those excellent iconic late 70s/ early 80s styles due for a revival. But it’s not called a fascinator; that’s a cocktail hat.

More hats please

Good, it’s about time.

The “it was a different time” guys will just love this

Fuck this fucker to hell and back. I 100% believe her.

If I still lived in a place where people have a lot of guns and someone rang my doorbell like that in the middle of the night, I’d assume they were desperate for help. It is incredibly risky to get on a stranger’s property in gun nut territory, especially when the witching hour of paranoia (any time after 6pm,

Glad to hear she is safe.

She may be wearing leggings (or could they be support hose?) to help reduce blood clots. Not so much a choice as a necessity. That’s why she created the bodysuit the French banned. She’s been having issues with blood clots since she gave birth.

Yeah, I have a couple theories myself. Yours is one (or two). The other one is that she was assaulted but lied in the deposition for any number of reasons like ... I didn’t ask for this and I don’t want to be in it.

I have two theories: 1) she never asked to be brought into this case and wants to distance herself from it 2) she doesn’t want to harm Kesha’s arguments by making it look like she lied or made up an accusation.