
She comes with her own dibblers. Someone needs to follow her around with a bag of seed. Next year: asters! (A fine change from this year, which has been all disasters.)

Aeration is an important part of lawn maintenance.

don’t leave out the best line...!

Because they love guns in Texas. 

But did the gamers stand for the national anthem before the tournament started.

We now live in a world where “losing a game of Madden” is now on the list of stats for “causes of a mass shooting”.

Wait. If a woman's only job is to give birth to baby boys, then how would the world repopulate itself after the regular handmaids die off? Guy needs to learn sex ed. 

All extreme religious orthodoxy; the “holier”, the more misogynistic and homophobic. ALL OF THEM.

We now live in a world where “losing a game of Madden” is now on the list of stats for “causes of a mass shooting”. How fucking fantastic.

The similarly between evangelicals and wahabbits leads me to believe nothing changes about how they feel about the role of women regardless of what laws change. 

Bond comminissioners, DAs and defense lawyers weigh in and have different methodologies for coming to their own recommendations but it’s ultimately up to the discretion of the judge. He definitely seems like someone who should not have been offered a bond, in my opinion.

A combination of gun laws, self-esteem entangled with masculinity, with money and fame at stake. I wonderful combination.

You just never know who’s a Saudi Wahabbist nowadays. Oh, wait - even THEY got over the women driving thing.

Absolutely horrific, but sadly not surprising. These are the people wanting to repeal the 19th amendment. Wishing to silence us -much like children in olden times, they like women to be seen and not heard.

White males. The bane of our existence.

My goodness... any clarity on why he was charged with aggravated assault rather than attempted murder? All I can imagine is that he walked up to them and specifically shot them in the arm so they ‘could no longer drive.’

This isn’t a “Gamer” thing (though those still clinging to the Gamergate banner are likely worthy of your scorn)—it’s a feckless fucking asshat thing.

People who have power fantasies that play themselves out in murdering other people with a gun, when those people have no means of fighting back are exactly the kind of

Don’t worry, the president will do something about it. Try to ban game tournaments...

In one clip you can see the red laser sight keying in on the player sitting on the right of the screen. That is much more chilling than seeing the actual violence play out.

Fed up with this shit. Enough is e(fucking)nough.