Ah yes, this full body, ankle length, unitard is less respectful than the itty bitty white tennis skirts that barely cover the players’ vulvas.
Ah yes, this full body, ankle length, unitard is less respectful than the itty bitty white tennis skirts that barely cover the players’ vulvas.
Yessss - jeans with too much stretch are the worst. By the end of the day, they have stretched out so much that they are saggy and you can just slide them off without undoing the button or zipper. Then you have to wash them after one wear to get them back to their normal size. I love leggings, but I want my leggings…
I mean leggings are comfortable but for me personally, they are a no when it comes to actual clothing (not workout gear or bed clothes). I kind of hate that the apparently near universal desire for stretchy legging-like pants has almost completely permeated the denim market. I hate jeans that are essentially leggings…
Hip hip hoora-nah. Fuck it. I’mma take a nap on the sofa.
Am I showing my age (having grown up with 2nd wave feminish) that I can’t stand it when people refer to this as a ‘catsuit’? Do wrestlers wear minicatsuits? If a male tennis player wanted to wear a singlet (like a wrestler) or a unitard (like a speed skater), would it be discussed with such casually sexualizing…
There is no way what-so-fucking-ever this isn’t because the French Open is lousy with racists who can’t stand to be dominated so thoroughly by a strong black woman, and furthermore can’t look at her without immediately turning her into some sort of fucked-up 19th-century hottentot throwback.
She makes them feel so puny and pathetic. She makes them feel so weak and insecure. She walks out on that court, looking like that, dominating the sport like that, and they cannot handle it. The only thing they can do to try and diminish her power and her greatness is some bullshit dress code? SUFFER, FRENCH TENNIS…
Once I had a boss (in city government) who put together an invitation list to a reception for a company looking to possibly relocate in our city. He was all excited about how he was going to get the best people in the city to come out and impress these visitors. The invite list he gave me to send out had 35 people on…
The worst part about working in politics and government as a woman is the explaining I have to do.
The harassment I am experiencing on the campaign trail is astounding to me.
I gave up drinking to help reach my fitness goals, but pushing a full on abstinence agenda disguised as medical fact really needs to stop. Lets be honest, alcohol is poison - we know that its why it makes us feel weird and then shitty. However people literally since the dawn of civilization have drunk alcohol -…
No one gets out alive. Might as well be drunk.
It turns out we’re all going to die.
he thinks he is doing a good and telling us all of us will be poor if he is impeached??? honestly, i would like to test that theory
Dude’s going to rehab; he was AT LEAST fucking around with alcohol multiplication.
Three kids, though... I hope they appreciate what mom did to support dad’s sobriety all these years.