
This ties with the recent Rolling Stone story on Johnny Deep for “Story they thought would rehab their image but did the exact opposite.” You can put lipstick on a pig but you can’t put a good P.R. sheen on a slime ball.

Poor muskrat is so sad that his golden boy star is waning and people are finally seeing what an asshat he is.

It always bums me out when US film companies do a remake of foreign films, and those originals aren’t credited in the press. This film, Kraftidioten (Power Idiots), is a brilliant Norwegian film starring Stellan Skarsgard as a model citizen Swede in Norway. Get the original if you can, because the deadpan humor is a

Well duh.

They should just call his next movie “Skilled Killer.”

When I’m ready to break up with my boyfriend, I step back and evaluate and ask myself “when was my last period?” This all sounds very rational in writing. The reality is more like me stomping out of his house, sobbing on the couch, plotting his demise, and sending passive aggressive text messages followed by “I love

Saw her across a hallway at college, and a voice said, “You’re going to marry her.”

I’m on my first day of my period right now and cramping SO HARD. I agree with this Sophie Turner person. Whenever I feel like crying, my next thought is what day of the month is it?

Re: Knowing when you meet the one.
Well, I can’t say anything about Grande’s love at first sight moment, but I can say I had one when I first saw my one and only, Mr. UrbanAchiever. A mutual friend had a b&w image of Mr. UA, and showed it to me. And I swear, bells went off in my head. We met a couple of weeks later in

Bleep Bloop Bleep Let’s Laugh With Celebrities With Mr. Good Time Smiley Pants

There's not going to be anything in the comments thread that isn't a Mr. Plow reference.

RIP Snuffalupagus you will be missed!

This eminent scientist is on it goddess

Ivanka would not stop talking about being ribbed. Like her father, Ivanka was thin-skinned and could not seem to take a joke.”

Poor Ivanka! She must have felt like a baby separated from her mother and put in a cage. *hugs*

Now playing

Complicit was one of the best SNL skits in a while. My other favorite Trump related skit was “Kellywise”

They did not take jabs at Ivanka to get to her father. Jabs were taken at Ivanka to specifically call her out for being complicit in her father’s disgusting behavior. It has less to do with him, more to do with her reaction. Talk about a snowflake.