
Happy Birthday to the leader of the Democrat Party, Maxine Waters!”

But honestly, why do these ex-officials get access to this shit anyway? No, seriously, why?

My money's on Dennis Leary to portray Kellyanne.

That made me think that she doesn’t have any friends to confide in, and really needed someone to talk to. The only person who would listen to her happened to be a WaPo reporter.

Plus it helps preserve institutional knowledge as former colleagues can come and say, “hey John, you’ve left some shitty documentation, why the hell does plan X include step Y and should we really do that given current situation Z?”

But honestly, why do these ex-officials get access to this shit anyway? No, seriously, why?

“Scott Walker is very special”

Maybe the crows can teach French men not to piss in the streets. 

The actual quote: “she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye. Like maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.” How is saying someone has “perfect” makeup insulting her looks?

It’s called projection. They think she’s ugly and so they assume that everyone else is saying she’s ugly.

They’re being used as a fairly literal human shield for the president.

They see women as being the perfect “bait” for dem ire to distract everyone from the president and play the victim.

It’s not. It’s merely a successful reframing device effectively employed by mealy-mouthed jokes like Mika Brzezinski and Maggie Haberman.

Michelle Wolf didn’t actually make fun of Sanders’ looks, though. The actual quote: “she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye. Like maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.” How is saying someone has “perfect” makeup insulting her looks?

My 65 year old father is married to a 25 year old. Before this he always dated relatively age appropriate (e.g. he was 60 dating a 45 year old) but honestly I think he found women his age too opinionated and demanding. He doesn’t want a partnership, he wants someone who listens to him, defers to him, looks up

And the older and wealthier he was the sooner you could be a financially independent widow. 

Men 100 years ago and men today STILL think that younger women have sincere sexual and romantic interests in older men. Yes, men really do believe that.

The thing I do not get is that, like, do these peoples’s tastes not change with age? I mean, when I was a teenager I thought teenagers were objectively the hottest group . When I was in my mid-20s, I thought women in their mid-20s were objectively the hottest. Now that I’m in my early 30s, I think women in their early

Anytime i see a dude mention theyre interested in women “18 and older” i wonder if there werent legal structures in place, what that age really would be. Men have controlled so much in society, theyve actually tricked themselves into thinking 18yr old women with older men is a super common, normal occurrence and they
