You chose baby names with me first and I want that bitch to know it!
You chose baby names with me first and I want that bitch to know it!
It’s remarkably passive aggressive. Let’s release the baby names that we chose together-- now you cannot chose those baby names with any other mate. She’ll know and I’ll know and you’ll know that the name you loved was chosen with us first.
Lena Dunham tried to pull of a weird power play here and failed. “Look! I’m so over you , I can tell the world our hopes and dreams without . . .” ***dissolves into body wracking sobs***
inspiration was never her strong suit.
Would've been amazing if "Becky" was on there
I assume this tweet is Dunham’s way of saying, “you said you’d love me until you die, ‘till you die, BUT YOU’RE STILL ALIVE!.”
He has another girlfriend, which makes all of that even more pathetic looking.
sounds like a dessert i couldnt afford from a trendy bakery
All this because he offhandedly said he didn’t like someone else’s music? Okay.
Never underestimate America’s unwillingness to talk to their children about sex
My “favorite” are the guys who complain about women breastfeeding in church. My man, if a woman feeding her child drives you to such distraction then you should do as the good lord says and gouge your own fucking eyes out (Matthew 5:29-30, for those interested). Too extreme? Then just mind your own damn business.
These stories have been popping up on local news network FB pages lately. The comments are bananas. It’s a boob but you’d think it was the devil himself!
Pffft. If he were totally serious, he’d raise a damn army, like all would-be usurpers do.
“It’s hard to believe they would crowd around a laptop during a slumber party to summon a nearly decade-old evil meme through a viral video (which a group of teenage boys later incomprehensibly admit to have “chickened out” on watching) and then immediately, earnestly, think he’s coming for them without an ounce of…
I googled it. It’s like if 1997 Chloe Sevigny was a clothing store instead of a person.
I know this means nothing coming from me, Jezebel’s Harry Stan in Residence, but Harry has been putting in the work as style icon this year. He is a man unafraid of glitter, spangles, embroidery, florals, flares, Klimt-inspired gold suits, and bizarre outfits that mixed pirate chic with romantic poet.
I’m not in Detroit, but I did. ♥️