
I got to see this pod a few years ago, back while Granny, who lived to be about 105 years old, was still around and with them. They are incredible creatures and it is amazing to see them, in their natural habitat, as close as they want. This story is so heartbreaking and whatever J35 was seeking in carrying her calf

Oh man, this reminds me of the end of the film Big Red One. When the soldiers liberate the death camp, one of the kids is on the verge of death. Lee Marvin carries him on his shoulders. The boy dies and Lee Marvin still carries him for several more hours.

This shit is just my tipping point. Like, I’m already furious with what this administration is doing to the world I’m supposed to be helping make better for my kids. The cumulative effect of all the terrible things happening around us is enraging. But this poor mom tried so desperately to help her calf live, and those

If it was so easy for a reality TV ‘personality’ to record. Imagine what highly trained people with an agenda can do? Like...I don’t know...the Kremlin

Exactly. If ,SOMEHOW, I was able to record in a SCIF - I would be having serious conversations with folks who have no sense of humor about that. 

watching two despicable people go at it is the best, cause they both deserve whatever is coming to them. 

Her rep is the very least of my concerns. It was already garbage.

Discussions may not be classified but probably are if you are in the Situation Room. Since the White House is a secure building, unapproved cameras and recording devices are not allowed. She is as stupid as Trump is. She does something that is illegal, but then gloats about it non-fucking-stop.

Why ask staffers when they can go straight to Trump?

The bombshell here is obviously that (if authentic) Kelly seems to be threatening to smear her reputation if it’s not a “friendly departure.”

Kelly: So the staff and everyone on the staff works for me not the president.”

For how many decades have the Russians and others wanted to get recordings from inside the WH via a variety of means and it turns out all they had to do was get a couple of attention seekers hired and fired to do it for them.

This is one of the most aggressively 90s trio of music videos I’ve ever seen.

Now playing

I remember the first time I heard Baby One More Time; I was sitting in the back of my Driver’s Ed car, and at first I thought it was a new Robyn song. It has the same up and down beat as Do You Know What It Takes (which can be attributed to late 90s pop god producer Max Martin)

creator Lauren Gussis (Dexter)

Nobody is calling him Jimmy Saville, that man was a literal rapist and the devil incarnate. But it’s not great, and it’s worse because he’s Paul Walker. When it’s some middling dude with no prospects who winds up with a 16 year old because they’re impressionable and fall or an older man then while it is creepy and

Less than half his age?

I mean, the article doesn’t say it’s as creepy as Saville, and I don’t think it is. But “not as bad as Jimmy Saville” is a pretty low bar to clear, and Walker’s predilection is still troublesome and kinda creepy.