While it hasn’t been nasty, this is still my favorite thing Jennifer Garner has ever said:
While it hasn’t been nasty, this is still my favorite thing Jennifer Garner has ever said:
That’s often the case, though not all actors seem to use it as an excuse for bad behavior. Viggo Mortensen has managed to both have a rep for being pretty committed to method acting and for being a coworker who is easy to get along with.
Wait. I thought method acting was just an excuse to act like a raging, belligerent asshole to all your costars and film crew and to beg for everyone else to think you’re so deep and edgy, especially during awards season.
I think that’s it in a nutshell. He wanted Obama to love him and Obama called him a fool and became friends with JaYonce. If they get to have a presidential friend than so does Kanye (he thinks like a child). And also agreed on the bipolar disorder. He needs to sitdown with his Netflix and watch Nanette; treating…
I fucking hate this idea of “we can change the world with love.” No, we can’t. Love doesn’t work on Donald Trump. By Kanye’s logic, we could have stopped the Holocaust by sending Hitler flowers. We could have stopped slavery by getting slaves to hug their masters.
I think you’re on to something. The combination of 1) untreated/poorly treated mental health issues 2) the trauma of his mother’s death and 3) being in a position for over a decade where nobody ever tells him no, or that’s a bad idea has made him susceptible to a lot of crazy bs belief systems. He’s trying to be…
He’s not wrong! The name Jane Doe is really recognizable and garners a lot of publicity during instances of sexual misconduct! Russell is the real victim here!
I think there is a difference between caring for Kanye and using Kanye’s political support or rewarding Kanye’s perceived loyalty to him. I don’t think Trump cares for anyone outside his family (and even that is debatable). He may not even be capable of caring for anyone but himself.
I get Kanye’s philosophical shift and how he thinks that would work with Donny Two Scoops (Everything is Love/Treat everyone with Love). But the problem is Donny doesn’t respond to love. Love isn’t adulation. Donny only responds to fear. His own and others. Donny cannot respond to or give Love to others because…
You mean Kimmel didn’t just giggle and tousle his hair, and then sing a duet with Justin Timberlake? It’s almost like you can be entertaining AND hold people accountable.
Wake up Mr. West. Your buddy Trump doesn’t give a shit about you or anyone else.
holy christ. fuck russell simmons, and fuck that lawyer for going along with his shit. as a civil attorney, that makes me fucking MAD.
I volunteer at PP as a greeter. We have a few protesters that use PP services as well as protest PP. Nothing makes me give side eye more than watching a protester step across their line and into the clinic for their pap test.
Hooooo boy these people are nuts. I work at PP and one of our protesters is one of these dudes. I regularly stalk him on FB and he’s teaching his children to do this shit too. They call it “seeding” and he’s always putting them in Redbox DVDs for some reason???? At least no one uses fucking Redbox...
And you know those iced tea drinkers, notorious abortion havers those people.
I...just...what??? What on earth is the thought process here? “Abortion is wrong! I’ll put these pictures into a box of diapers because...wait, living human babies wear diapers so they weren’t aborted...uh...oh fuck it.”