
Doing anything with Justin Timberlake is UNFORGIVABLE.

She called him Mac. I knew listening to the full length Forgetting Sarah Marshall DVD commentary would come in handy one day. One of the cast members in that movie told a story on the commentary that Mila kept referring to her boyfriend “Mac” and everybody was shocked when he visited set one day and “Mac” turned out

The end of that Dennis Quaid interview reminds me of that scene in Beaches where Bette Midler is watching her televised interview and is asked something along the lines of “who really is CC Bloom?” and then she cringes at the ridiculous answer that she gives.

Yes! And I love their admission of how they do sometimes get in serious fights, and then work through them. Plus, I love how he regularly refers to her as just “Bell.” For some reason that’s particularly endearing to me.

Listening to him and KBell talk about fighting the entire way as they drove cross country on a motorcycle together was one of the more ‘real’ celebrity moments I’ve ever heard. They sound like mostly regular people, which made me like him more. (I am already at max-likage of Kristen Bell)

Lena Dunham is going to spend her whole life taking photos of herself in her underwear thinking she’s cute and edgy.

jamie lee is my dad’s #1 celeb crush.

I think it’s super important to continue making this distinction- not because it lets MPD off the hook but because it underscores that the problem is not just MPD- there is something going on regionally and systemically. 

I don’t include Warren in with Hillary and Diane. She is old, yes, but she is outspoken about the need for reform and doesn’t waffle around in the ‘center.’

Philando Castile was shot in FALCON HEIGHTS by a ST. ANTHONY police officer. It still greatly affected the city and metro area in a horrible way, but I feel a need to point that out as this article infers that Geronimo Yanez worked for the MPD.

THANK YOU! I really wanted to point this out. The oldest Millennials are damn near 40 now, depending on what bullshit criteria you want to use to define “Millennial”. Millennials aren’t kids. We’re a generation of disaffected young and nearing middle age adults.

You deserve way more stars.

The dem establishment is a lot more scared of her than the republicans are because she’s poised to upend the proverbial apple cart. Republicans aren’t worried because folks who voted for her would never have voted for them anyway, but to the old guard that was responsible for sandbagging Bernie she poses a serious

DeSantis is also a millennial 

And the fact that the unarmed person wrongly killed was a white woman clearly had something to do about it. I didn't hear any right wing ghouls speculating on her behavior or dissecting her past either. And this is, absolutely a horrible tragedy and I'm glad that her family has the means and ability to follow through

To be fair, officers carrying guns is routine in most of Europe, Canada and Australia. And somehow there aren’t nearly as many incidents of police shooting innocent civilians as we see in the U.S.

It’s Philando Castile, not Philandro, and your last paragraph still says Diamond.

It wasn’t a waffle, it was an honest admittance that she’s still learning about the complexities involved. If she’s “mentored” by senior Dems and comes down on the other side, then it’s more disappointing as a sign she might do the same on other issues, but for now it’s a push.

There is something fundamentally broken with the police in MN. Two weeks ago police shot a 16 year old who had a history of mental problems. The family had called 911 the previous night because the kid was freaking out about his car being taken away and the police told them that they couldn’t take him in for a

They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.

Considering the current Republican president is the most ignorant person to have ever held the office, Republicans don’t have much to stand on in terms of criticizing Democrats for being ignorant.