Trump is just copying his heroes. Heinrich Himmler “ 1944 that his first requirement from Germany’s intelligence services was not truth, but loyalty to the Fuhrer.”
Trump wants to remove the security clearances of several former national security officials because they dared speak of the Russia investigation in what Press Secretary Sarah Sanders described as an “inappropriate” manner.
My boyfriend chuckled when I groaned at Thor putting his shirt back on during Ragnarok. Upon rewatch, I was able to confirm exactly what I suspected —Hemsworth was shirtless for exactly thirty seconds on the dot, something which had obviously been explicitly negotiated between his agents and the studio. “We understand…
I feel kinda bad for Jason Mamoa, listening to his interviews regarding the red road, he wants to be fully clothed in more roles and actually have something to show off his acting abilities more than his body.
Nerd walks in and shuffles his feet and reluctantly says, “He is Atlantean, not a mermaid.” Then lowers his head and shuffles out before anyone notices.
I’m just going to sit here and wish they hadn’t killed Khal Drogo .
Probably breathe in the sweet aroma and the hit the gym.
She wants us to believe she’s a human and has feelings.
Why women don’t report, Part 3.
The scariest part of your (correct) statement?
Write tickets.
In general if you’re alive without visible injuries, police will usually put it on the back burner. And that goes for any crime. Kind of a “Well you’re standing here talking to me just fine, what do you want me to do about it?” type of attitude. Anyone can look at a dead person and see the consequence of murder.…
Like, what do the police actually DO these days?
What can they do better collectively, he asks? Well, you could actually give a damn. That would be a good place to start.
Remember that time Lindsay Lohan carjacked a bunch of teenagers and then said “the black kid did it” when the cops found cocaine in her pocket?
I remember! Fuck that bitch forever.
Yeah, when you marry into a family who has a policy towards scandals that is "Never complain,never explain" you know you'll have to hold your tongue. Anyways, what good could come of discussing that side of her family's greed and indiscretion? Everyone can see they're not worth interacting with, let them talk…
No. He is creating this mess. No one should feel sorry for him.
I feel bad for her too. Fucking NOBODY deserved a father like Markle’s. Everything I’ve seen from/about him says “manipulative gaslighting shitbag.” I mean, can you FUCKING IMAGINE having one of your presumably-beloved children get married to a public figure ... and then you start staging photo ops and giving…