Why not? There are already six canisters of Elon Musk’s sperm orbiting the Earth. At least one has landed on Mars, too.
Why not? There are already six canisters of Elon Musk’s sperm orbiting the Earth. At least one has landed on Mars, too.
Chrissy Teigen is seriously a gift that keeps on giving.
If you don’t love me at my most treasonous, then you don’t deserve me at my slightly less, but still blatantly, treasonous.
No mention of the IRS changing rules to allow non-profit orgs to keep all donors confidential and privileged. Specifically, the NRA does not need to show who its donors are anymore.
While I had a great meeting with NATO, raising vast amounts of money, I had an even better meeting with Vladimir Putin of Russia. Sadly, it is not being reported that way - the Fake News is going Crazy!
This armed Trump loyalist bullshit is the harbinger of things to come. As Trump unravels himself due to his guilt, stupidity and unfathomable ego....he will do dumb things to turn off more and more Republicans who still have a sliver of common sense left. Just and his European vacation has done. But the flip side…
They claim it’s to the Constitution, but like nearly all “constitutional conservatives” have very little idea about how the Constitution actually works, and mostly seem to believe it begins and ends with the 2nd Amendment.
Also a lover of Ayn Rand, except when he’s not. Again, Paul has all the intellectual depth of cake frosting.
“Fearing Democrats would find a way around this Catch 22 of consequences and come out on top, [Paul] Ryan has scrapped it.”
This is infuriating. There are no “payments”. Countries agreed to spend 2% of their GDP on defense by 2024 (or some year - too lazy to google). There is no “cash” that he speaks of. It’s not like they took our their checkbooks and wrote actual checks to cover themselves. I hate him.
only because of me
Oh? The US economy is doing great? That would explain why he’s gone into panic mode and ran to the World Trade Organization, crying that it’s not fair that countries are putting counter-tariffs on the USA, when the tariffs were put on those countries for fake reasons (national security threats).
I find it very apt that the “Oath Keepers”, who are supposedly watching for “government tyranny”, are more butthurt about a black woman speaking her mind, than about thousands of kids being kidnapped and locked away in hidden concentration camps around the country.
These are the same assholes who showed up in Ferguson with assault rifles to intimidate protesters. Their only loyalty is to their white-supremacist ideology.
Trump is now not just the poster boy for the Dunning-Kruger effect (i.e., incompetent people greatly overestimate their own abilities because they are too stupid to evaluate themselves). He is now shown himself to be at the level of the lemon juice bandit, who inspired the series of studies in the first place.
I am so impressed by how thoughtful dream-Armie was to reimburse your conference expenses. He’s a dream-keeper.
I’m really excited to see Helena Bonham Carter as Margaret in her gin swilling, chain smoking, deeply cynical and bitter old age. She and the Earl of Snowden hated each other and he was quite cruel to her. The stories about their fights and affairs were legendary. I cannot wait.
This has completed ruined my immersion in this show. Why is her pinky not visible while holding that teacup?
GOD Olivia Colman is: BUSY and I am: HERE FOR IT.