SurviVal of the fittest

Between the Angie haters and Jen haters, somehow he avoided correctly-placed judgment - because he’s pretty? Funny how women are so quick to eviscerate women, and leave him alone. Standard teflon drama-lovin narcissist who stirs it up & always escapes unscathed.

Yes to the glommer description! He absolutely does, even back with Juliette Lewis. Without his own depth and sense of self, he takes their look, persona, values. He’s an empty vessel.

I would say both women, having seen a post further down that describes another video for this episode - where the guy’s penchant for duplicity is revealed. I feel for the wife’s mental health issues, and I also feel for both women who were both deceived by this guy and yet have remained with him, which suggests an

No, he absolutely does not know how ridiculous these are. He thinks he’s deep - meanwhile it’s his chameleon qualities that have allowed him to be a decent character actor, but his lack of personal depth limits the weight he brings to other roles.

Hm, to your point... He has frequently said “Russia is a ruse”. That is an odd word choice for a denial or deflection. Sure, it may just be his vocabulary of a 5 year old.

His gig as “spokesman for the farmers” is likely done.

No. I can’t believe that this narcissistic sociopath has any concept of empathy, heart and how decisions affect people. I go with your 2nd option, “someone Ivanka told him” in an attempt at self-preservation.

He has the self-centered entitled douchey nature of a narcissist - but the type that people don’t immediately recognize, who hides behind jokey folksy humor and ‘plain ole regular-guy me’ image. In that light, his twitter cat giveaway & pouty defense is not clueless, it’s a lack of compassion and empathy.

Society did not fail him. There are many people with terrible childhoods who rise above those conditions; at minimum they do not kill people, as he did, not in self defense but over a minor incident. His actions display entitlement, superiority, lack of empathy. Those are hallmarks of sociopathy.

Hard pass. For the reasons others have noted, and also because now, after rehab, he’s merely a sober narcissist - no hope of him passing out mid-rant, gaslighting, etc... and no over-the-top ingratiating gestures post-drunken mess. All that’s left is entitled narcissism. Nope.

And this is the “Southern White House”?? Someone with some authority should really re-think this.

Well in this one we got the bonus of Trump telling us what Xi Jinping said in response to the missile launch... apparently his speech patterns are identical to Trump’s. /s

I honestly doubt he even reads any responses to his tweets. He does not read news online, he has his people print articles so he can read them. He reportedly does not use a computer.

There’s also a lot of sketchiness surrounding his role & his choice to be on the defense team may have been purely to protect himself. Even in that CNN interview when he describes leading Simpson around the property to find a place to kill himself - wonderful, he was ok encouraging the guy to escape being held

What was once a disappointing letdown is now the saving grace

Realizing it in hindsight was hysterical and removed some of the sting of past traumas. But of course they’re great at distracting from it, smoke & mirrors etc.

I think it’s the pants? They look very tall, Ed Grimley-style. Maybe he’s wearing his pants higher to wrap around his girth instead of strangling underneath it... and hasn’t adjusted his ties. Those quality non-maga ties.

I think geographical distance plus his age have relieved her of some of those duties - in my experience with narcissistic sociopaths they all had performance issues regardless of age; I would assume he’s very much all talk and no action by now, and likely has been for a while.

Yes creepy - the transcripts are like LBJ is total pushy stalker. Then there’s her use of the official “Mr President” title and it seems very unequal.