SurviVal of the fittest

Her singing style with such a lack of enunciation is odd, and seems even worse in this song

It’s an incredible skill they have. They may be blind in reading some people, missing cues others would pick up on...but they can be highly perceptive and shrewd when it’s needed, like knowing how to charm the people who will benefit them. It’s fascinating while also incredibly creepy

Franco was exposed for hitting on & attempting to hook up with a girl he knew to be a minor - she had screen caps of their conversation that could not be denied - and NOTHING happened. He gave some absolutely ridiculous explanation that twisted the facts and stretched credibility...people smirked, and then his life

Yet somehow he was still cracking jokes, after being sentenced. Does he not think this is finally real?

The benevolent sexist” is an apt description. Somewhere the word affable was used to describe him, which to me is also worthy of a pause - my ‘affable’ father was in fact a sexist, racist, angry, intolerant man who curated a good reputation belonging to community groups. Being ‘affable’ was his no-personality way of

It’s possible the company reputation may have allowed him to skip the need for parental grooming - this SevenAwesomeKids creepiness has been around for over 10 years and involved parents of the kids. With channels like Sevencooltweens and Seventwinklingtweens it may have given parents a false sense of security? To me

That bothered me, and set a tone I couldn’t overlook. As a society we subscribe to some abusive romantic myths and popularize them in entertainment. Like the tired “Let’s get back together, I didn’t realize how amazing you are!. Um, NO - Why would you even spend time with me if you did not think I was amazing?

He has an odd obsession with Aaliyah - not just bizarre but also seems distasteful since it’s often related to making a buck. Feels somewhat disingenuous (despite the back tattoo he got of her...)

This was a fun piece - so a family of shameless grifters may now be experiencing shame. Or perhaps just concern that their most lucrative grift ever will be affected

To add to your brief list, no one talks about Brad Pitt either. It’s equally unsettling - he also had a pattern, it wasn’t just Juliette Lewis (she was 16, he was 26). He had at least 2 other relationships with underage girls when he was mid-20s. Later he seemed to switch to just preferring an age gap since it’s more

The designer is the owner, who in 2016 had a manager “...who had been working at the park since 2013 and had advanced from construction worker to lifeguard to director of operations, responsible for all aspects of the park’s day-to-day ride operations.”

Prefaced with “And I’ve said this many times - ”. The absolute gall of a pathological liar is fascinating; that he’s essentially been allowed to do this his entire life with no accountability, then bizarrely propped up by Mark Burnett, and not appropriately challenged by every media outlet during his campaign, is distu

I unfortunately clicked. At least that ‘kiss’ happened when they were being silly...I don’t understand selfies during apparently intimate moments, are these people not present during their own lives?

And possibly could have been fired had he not - since he was paid to suck up to celebs and encourage them along in interviews to get that perfect clip-worthy moment, and not be uncooperative and judgey; additionally, in this case the celeb was whiny, affirmation-seeking, vindictive DJT who was a key part of NBC’s

I was surprised to see just how extensive her resume already is! Here she details her significant work in advocacy, including leadership. She is going far

From interviews it sounds like a good-natured family joke, the daughters have spoken about the relationship before. Erin’s posts last fall from a Grammy event honoring her father - she is pretty funny

“Neil Patrick Harris took to Twitter to make fun of...” - A famous “great guy” used a public forum to make fun of someone he thought he didn’t know, aka bullying. Sure, generally harmless (except for the public part), but also unwarranted, like bullying.

Wtf? By tolerating minor bullying, we’ve created a society that tolerated & elevated the pussy grabber, promoting a known NYC con man in a reality show, and ignoring decades of proof of his character. People are immune to asshole behavior, news outlets continued to fawn over him through the campaign. I don’t care

How fortunate for your friend! Manipulative assholes do like to make grand gestures that put them in a good light, so some people will say great things about them. Glowing comments from HIMYM crew members about what he did for your friend work to counter unflattering comments from others, such as NYC theatre people.