Surprise! Hippopotamus

Mia Farrow has admitted to beating Soon-Yi and Farrow and her family flip-flopped between calling Soon-Yi dumb or a seductress in the press and biographies. 

Yeah that really pissed me off too.

‘Call me cynical, but I think we’d all benefit from hearing what exactly Braun means by “I made every effort you can imagine”—the guy certainly has fiscal concerns that might not overlap with instructing Bieber to take a break from working and get help ASAP, but I digress.’

I work in chemical safety and am obviously strong gly opposed to animal cruelty in y form, but here are some facts:

Went to a vegan place in MA, just opened in an abandoned Panera.

He may still have some regressive views, but the Pope has made the Catholic Church take significantly longer strides in progressive measures than any of the fucking evangelicals in the U.S. have done. I hope Paul Ryan is quaking in his cowardly boots.

As a recovered Catholic, I find these decrees encouraging.

Accountants typically make the best accountants.

“Pop that pussy while you work/Pop that pussy up in church/Pop that pussy on a pole/Pop that pussy on the stove.”

It is so incredibly dishonest that the writer left out that fact that police received MULTIPLE 911 calls that he was believed to be pointing a “gun” at people. Why neglect to mention that? I’m genuinely curious. Did you think it’s immaterial?

Me too and I’m a guy.

I would completely fill my bag with tampons in protest.

So honest question about diversity/political correctness/roles for women in movies: if the film maker is trying to portray a (fairly awful) world in which racist/sexist/homophobic words are thrown around, there are a notable lack of strong females and there’s horrible unjustifiable violence, can that be OK, assuming

Right....because a clear backpack would TOTALLY have stopped the expelled student carrying an AR-15 onto campus.

That sounds like fun for the girls carrying pads and tampons around.

Clear bags are stupid. Is everything in the bag going to be clear? No everything will not be clear.

I think you’ll find that many action movies don’t hold up very well when viewed through such a critical eye. The Boondock Saints was never intended to be some progressive, well-written thriller— it’s a dumb, entertaining action flick. I’m 25 and I still enjoy it just as much as I did when I was a teenager. Sure, it’s

i dont really understand your first issue. you’re complaining that a character in the movie makes the same same mistake regarding a historical stabbing that many/most people do in real life? it’s not a requirement for a good movie to have its characters always saying factual things.

It’s a fun movie.. some people just need to let a fun movie be a fun movie.

My local Alamo Drafthouse does a movie party for this film every year on St. Patrick’s day.