
Yes. Please refrain from using "kittens" and any conjugation of the verb form of "dick" in the future, Internet.

I thought he was saying "Slutcicle," and that "You look like a Slutcicle man" was an insult and/or creepy come-on.

I did mostly think this was a new Donkey Kong.

Give me crack (and anal sex)

Oh please, he's no more fartking than he is mattressking or gaspumpking. But neither are you. You're a weapon designed for urban pacification. You only think you were raised by peasants because I implanted your memories.

May I suggest a retirement home? There's bridge, TV Land, cottage cheese, and, evidently, less casual racism than the national average. Ride it out in an adjustable bed.

Don't do that to yourself. Just go to bed and drift into peaceful rest, not knowing whether or not you'll wake up in the darkest timeline.

Great job, internet. No, that wasn't sarcasm. No, neither was that. Bravo.

His comedy comes from his point of view (of course), but sometimes the former is obscured by the latter. Anyone who's followed him should know this. His "how old is 15 really" bit makes an excellent point, but it's completely undermined by his characterization that Elizabeth Smart "wasn't that smart after all" for

We'd better run,

You gotta give it to the guy, Arnold Palmers go really well with vodka.

Then take a look
Cause here Cancer and AIDS come at you
from a diseased yak
to infect you in the face
and ass crack
Now you're dyin'
Put on a sad funeral dirge
A somber dirge to die to
A somber dirge to die toooo-oo-oooo

There is a 0% chance this is Bill Murray. Therefore, there is a 100% chance it is Tom Hanks. Sorry, people, but math doesn't lie (except for limits).

I smoke Marlboro Silvers (formerly Ultra Lights) which, if I'm reading the label correctly, means it's a safer and healthier cigarette.

Let's hear it for the original secret secret, Super Mario Bros.' Minus World. Back in ye olden pre-internet times there was no proof of it to be had, just rumors on the playground. Still, I sat there trying over and over while my older brother watched, not knowing if it was real or if I was even doing it right.

Roll on blacktop highway
Circles towards the sun
Springfield's in the distance
And that's the last big one

Ok. I clearly missed that point. Thanks for the exchange. Unfortunately, I've become too drunk in the interim to continue any meaningful discourse. Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

You're arguing against your point that "it's understood that they are a collection of people". If that were the case, you would use "are" instead of "is". "I am a Heat"? "I am a Thunder"? Capitalizing it could make it make sense but only if you use the plural when referring to the team.

That's a fair comparison, but every NFL team name is a plural noun. Everyone on the team can say "I'm a Steeler." Would everyone in Garbage say, "I'm a piece of Garbage"? Which brings up an interesting point: what if the noun can be singular or plural? That's maybe a better metric of what the standard should be.