
I've never been clear as to whether to refer to a band as singular or plural. The band itself is one thing, but even if it's made up of just one person, they likely didn't do everything themselves. So is the convention whether or not their name is singular or plural? Because the pedant in me finds that notion

But…I'm listening to Thriller. Weird for a song to tell you to turn it off. And what should I change it to, pop country? Because I'm pretty sure that's hell's ambient music.

I guess I can finally admit that I've never understood the line, "They will possess you / unless you change that number on the dial"
Is he talking about a clock? You turn the hands back and tell the zombie, "Hey, it's only 11:15. Begone!"

1,000 rupees? It's a driver's license, not a bow.

Most Messed Up - Old 97s

I think it would surprise most people how quickly casual depression use can spiral into overuse and abuse. I've heard so many people say, "I'm only depressed on weekends," or, "I only get depressed at parties." Pretty soon, they're getting depressed as soon as they get home from work, and from there it's before work

Her niece owned a big soft panda toy, which she had, for reasons which would probably make sense only to another little girl, named Paulette. Somewhere inside of Paulette was an electronic circuit-board and a memory chip on which were stored about four hundred short, simple sentences such as "I like to hug, don't

Or Miss Flora if you want to be completely feudal you're nasty.

Pretty sure he was the kid in the Sega commercial who hit himself in the head with a dead squirrel so he could see colors while playing a Game Boy.

I suppose I get the reason in theory, but doesn't it seem bizzaro that you "borrow" digital media? And straight-up insane that you have to put a hold on it because someone else is borrowing it? It just seems like waiting all night at a deserted intersection in the middle of nowhere because the light won't turn

Are you saying they simply act like there's a camera at some points while ignoring it at others? That it's just an unfortunate black mark on an otherwise stellar show? Because I'm not sure I agree with that.

The crew, I'll agree with. That certainly went by the wayside. But how can they address the "audience" without looking at the camera? Are you saying they're all doing the meta "looking at the fourth wall for ironic comedic effect" thing? Because the fact that they all do it so often renders it as unlikely as any

What? The characters acknowledged/talked to the camera constantly. Ben didn't show up until season two, and his shrugging at the camera is part of the opening credits. Tom and April also look at the camera, and Garry gives it a thumbs up.

Not movies, but both The Office and Parks & Rec are supposed to have been filmed by documentarians. The Office eventually acknowledged this explicitly, including them in the story, but it sometimes broke down, particularly when out of the office (Michael Scott's dinner party, anyone?). Parks & Rec, though, always

Yeah, good luck watching the movie and not developing an insatiable* craving for elementary school-style burgers.

He was a mantis. Locar was the locust. Kiss, kiss, lover.

Our Coke comes in liters. You could have used liters.
3 pints of Coke?
Get the fuck oot.

He also appeared in the similarly underrated Millennium, an episode called "Omerta", playing a (what else) gangster who was executed but brought back to life by forest fairies in time for Christmas. The episode was much better than that description makes it sound.

Chicago's concert curfew is even earlier (11pm), but that didn't stop Pearl Jam from rocking until 2am after their 2013 show got rained out.

I've restrained myself from expressing surprise at how old she is, because, not unlike Dave Chappelle eating fried chicken in public, I'm self-conscious about the stereotype of not being able to tell how old black people are. Which is a fucking shame because fried chicken is delicious, and thinking someone is younger