
Yeah, you're missing out. I kind lost touch with them, but I can confirm that 5/4 is immediately and continuously groovy, and Double Bass is a high-water-mark chill-out piece. And I love that one about the mountain called Monkey, but that's for personal reasons.

I love the one where he shows up in a town on a planet with the technology of pre-renaissance Earth. He has no memory, but his intellect and logic are intact, and he basically discovers ionizing radiation in, like, two days.

The soundtrack is pretty great. Even the cheesiness of Stan Bush works within context. My favorite trivia: the two best (in my opinion) songs were by a group called Kick Axe. Hasbro or whoever decided that "Kick Axe" was too edgy, so, unbeknownst to the band, their name was changed on the soundtrack to "Spectre

My dad died when I was 30, so this makes me feel like that guy left over at the end after Mr. Burns announces, "Everyone who's found true love may leave early today!" Also, I never found true love.
*stares off into the middle distance for five minutes*
*goes back to slowly scrolling through Great Job, Internet!s*

I remember seeing part of Fantastic Planet on Night Flight when I was a kid. It was inexplicable and kind of scary because it was so weird and late at night. I loved it.

I saw a talking Chewbacca action figure at the Disney Store. It had a couple of buttons on it and a in big letters across the front of the box it promised "REAL MOVIE PHRASES!" Two of the "Uuurrraaaahh"s I remember, but I don't think that third one was actually in there. Maybe it'll be in the deleted scenes.

If anything goes naturally with Wizard of Id, it's The Eyes of the Dragon. Shawshank Redemption clearly goes with Hi and Lois.

Hey, look at me! I'm Mr. Pringles-can Dick! I've got a Pringles can for a penis!

I'm gonna write down my name in the ladies' room stall
Find me a pay phone and place a few calls
I'm gonna try not to fall down when I'm singin' for y'all
I'm gonna die someday staring at a dressing room wall
I'm gonna die someday staring at a dressing room wall

To paraphrase Ben Folds, if you can't draw a crowd, draw dicks on the host's face.

Getting Ahead in the Lucrative Field of Artist Management was a great game.

Repetition works, billy and the cloneasaurus. Repetition works, billy and the cloneasaurus. Repetition works, billy and the cloneasaurus.

Not to shock you. but FF4 was my first and still favorite Final Fantasy and what turned me into a FF fanboy. They kept me sticking with Squeenix maybe after I should have jumped ship, but I have no regrets. Cecil is the consummate Paladin, and Rydia is why Summoner has always been my favorite job, up to and

Really? After Lovefool, straight to this? Not that it's a bad song, not at all. It's just that I find this album (Super Extra Gravity) to be a little weak, relatively. Gran Turismo was great, but Long Gone Before Daylight was their masterpiece.

I am posting in this thread.

ILG was founded by the guy who didn't stop reading the Ross Perot pamphlet.

I guess this one has legs, but some of Seinfeld's "I don't get it" bits are so easily answerable it's amazing they weren't heckled to death. Remember the time he didn't understand what "the finger" meant? Someone batted .000 in high school.

Right. Because that's what kills niche content providers: content that already has its own niche. It certainly couldn't have anything to do with Yahoo Screen's utterly inept and relentlessly mediocre (at best) interface. Nah, it was probably that creative show with the fervent and devoted fanbase.

Call me whatever you want, 980 for a bow is ridiculous.

I doubt he had to break his ass on it, though. He convincingly played the world's most intimidating computer nerd. Now he has a shotgun. That's like giving Benedict Cumberbatch a monocle.