
Comon, why go to all this trouble to explain what we already know, at least those of us with 2 or more brain cells? Shes fake, everything about her is fake, all the drama is fake, its just.... well, fake.

He's falsely accused of rape and he becomes the villain? That's fucked up.

After all, would you describe two people in a monogamous, long-term relationship who've tested negative for STDs as engaging in "unprotected sex?"

Be under 30?

Regarding all the questionable/critique worthy things people like Miley and Bieber do and why no one intervenes or chimes up saying 'You know, maybe the objectification of X in your video/stage show is not a good idea':

ooo faux lesbian making out. HOW CAN ANYONE BE THIS EDGY GUYS???

I agree! My point of contention is that it's a faulty argument to use the logic of [these chemicals are bad] [everything is made of chemicals] [since everything is made of chemicals, these chemicals are nothing to worry about] [p.s. I'm going to make that argument in a condescending manner]

As a researcher/scientist, these articles are insanely frustrating to read. "Things that I can't pronounce, or be bothered to learn about via scientific research, are scary and related to SCARY THINGS and buzzwords and every disease known to medical science. AND I WON'T ELABORATE ON IT. I just want to publish

Lololololol. And factory-farmed meat (as opposed to happy meat) is probably way, way worse for you (and the environment) than anything on this list, but talking about it, even in the most objective way possible makes people uncomfortable. Le sigh. I guess it technically doesn't count here though, since it's not "in

I realize you are probably 12 years old and think that nothing happened before you were aware of the world but you are wrong. Ryan Gosling is "happening".

Whhhhaaaaa? Ryan Gosling already happened, happened again, and is still happening.

Ryan Gosling is already happening. He's been happening for quite some time now. I don't get it either, but he's a thing whether or not Doug mentions him in a Sunday dirtbag. Sorry.

Retrofitted acting replicant Jesse Eisenberg will parlay his lucrative acting career and occasional "Shouts & Murmurs" scribbles into a less lucrative career as a short story writer, which he will then parlay into an even less lucrative career as a traveling fabulist in the German countryside

Fuck all of you who say there is nothing wrong with this. I am going to not be the bigger man and not pretend that this is completely fine because it's her life. This is some fucked up weird shit and there is a lot wrong with it. This lady is fucked up in the head. You get one shot at this whole living thing and you

That's a very narrow view hun.

That's like saying it's okay to give money to a drug addict because their addiction is hurting nobody.

She's hurting herself, so yes she I hurting someone. A person who supposedly goes to a "hypnotherapist" to become dumber has serious mental issues and needs help. And most of all needs "fans" to stop enabling her

Yeah, it probably is inherently wrong because there is most likely some serious undiagnosed mental illness lurking about in there. Like, extremely fixated body dismorphia and I don't know what else.

Umm first of all Barbie's boobs ARE NOT THAT HUGE. Second of all, who the f@#k is the therapist helping this obviously mentally unstable and damaged women pay to lower her IQ?

Bitch please.

This is essentially that (super fucked up) fetish called bimbofication, isn't it? I'm kinda over people thinking their kinks are above critique. Congrats on internalising such fuckery. May your grotesquely large tits keep your warm at night.