
Do I really need to say something here about how much this shows people don't give a shit about the female orgasm?

Yeah, I went from "no feelings about Olivia Wilde whatsoever" to "many positive feelings about Olivia Wilde" in, oh, 40 seconds?

I love Olivia Wilde. She's marvelous.

She is so on point here. For someone so ridiculously smart and funny, I don't understand why she is with Jason Sudeikis, who I've heard is kind of a jerk.

I have ... never heard Olivia Wilde speak as Olivia Wilde.

Miley Cyrus is wearing a very beautiful wig on the cover of her "Adore You" remix; she's also not wearing a shirt, and people are still trying to act like that's salacious. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

James Franco and insufferable go together like cookie dough and chocolate chips.

To people bringing up adoption: it costs just as much.

I'm not really sure by what you mean when you say "high wasted." I have a really short torso but really wide hips, so the low rise trend was something I never got into, they were never high enough to reach the top of my hips to you know, stay put. I've been wearing what I can only call "regular rise" jeans for this

This is why women should concentrate on learning what flatters their body type and skip following trends. If you have a big ass and are already short waisted, don't wear high waisted jeans no matter what fashion magazines tell you. If you have a muffin top, don't wear low waisted jeans unless you want to look like

You know who has the best workout clothes? TJ Maxx. You know who has the best outdoor/workout clothes, customer service and dividends at the end fo the year? REI.

Yeah, the paternal age effect doesn't come up anywhere near as often as it should, given that some studies have shown that the children of older fathers are up to five times (!) more likely to have autism (along with a host of other health risks). Yet no one questions their choice to "delay fatherhood", let alone

Anyone else noticed that the dialogue around this is always "uck, old mothers" and very little attention is paid to the age of the fathers creeping up because of this?

I always seem to have to point this out whenever a post on ART comes up, but adoption in many places is many times more expensive than ART. Where I'm at IVF costs $5K a cycle, and they package three (which will result in pregnancy for the vast majority of women) for $11K. Whereas adoption costs $30-50K in agency fees,

And under the B, we already have our first "just adopt, you selfish bastard" comment.

That's sort of like looking at a horrifically mauled corpse and assuming the cause of death was the scrape you noticed on their knee.

Yeah, IVF rates are higher, but it's still a fraction of pregnancies and births. Insurance rates are fucked because the companies are fuuuuuuuuuuuucked. Not because of the range of

and that cover looks like a poor man's version of tahereh mafi's books (Shatter Me, Ignite Me etc.)

OK, I went to the actual kickstarter and I am pretty sure I'll be buying some of these. "Rainbo: First Blood", "Shark Week", and "Bloody Hell" are my faves. And they come in plus sizes? Hello, awesome. Thanks for hating on these so I could know about them!

Eh. I view it as making a joke of something most women have to deal with. Periods are gross. If anything I'd think you'd support it because instead of hiding something that's rarely talked about, they're openly announcing it: "Yup, my underwear right now looks like a crime scene from a horror film. Deal with it"

But, periods are kind of gross and hilarious. At least to me. I mean - stains and cramps and 'why am I getting a zit at thirty [mumblemumble] years old'. And I wouldn't buy these, ever, because if I need to tell my partner I don't want him near my ladybits for whatever reason, I just use my words, not my