
Exactly. When the Target and Home Depot hacks happened, no one was saying, "DON'T USE YOUR DEBIT CARD ANYWHERE EVER!!!!"

Custodial rights and child support responsibilities are not connected. You can be ordered to pay support but receive no custodial or visitation rights (rare, but sometimes in the case of abuse). Likewise, a parent can no support order against or be in arrears on payments but they still have visitation rights.

You are so right. I should be feeling sorry for Europeans as well.

Maybe do a better job of using evidence in the case to prove the rapist is guilty? Just a thought.

Say "normcore" with a Mass accent and feel even better. Noamcoah! FuckinA.

The last time I was in CA it seemed like 80% of the women I saw in every setting were wearing workout clothes. Perhaps VS is just trying to capitalize on this "all day err day" fitness apparel trend.

Right? Also, when their family friends offer to buy their daughter - that really shook me.

The relationship between poverty and weight is a vital yet often downplayed aspect of the "obesity epidemic." Poor people have less nutritious food in their neighborhood stores (if they have stores at all), less money to buy it, less time to cook it, and less access to preventive medical care. But the fact that

I lust after all things 1930s. Sadly I'm freakishly tall (5'10") with "a balcony made for Shakespeare" as my grandmother would say (boobs), so no vintage for me. BUT, my mother is making me my very own blouse and skirt set from a pattern she found from 1934. I am so Le Excited.

Usually when I find a style and brand I like, I go back and buy like, two extra pairs. I hoard black jeans. Levi's are awesome. I have tons of different brands, but you can't really go wrong with a good, well fitting pair of Levi's.

I really don't think that posting a photo of her with her husband in his dress blues, is really appropriate when her alleged killer is also in the military. It's going to unfairly link this poor man, who has already lost his wife and what might have been their baby, with the killer.

Can I just chime in to say, I have the same worry about pregnancy. My reason is so so shallow, I can only mention it on here because no one knows me. I am terrified my nose is going to get bigger. Pretty much everyone I know has had their nose get bigger when pregnant. I can deal with the stretch marks, had them since

I know a lot of folks are taking this personally, but I actually think it shows just how much we need to all (male, female, rich, poor, everything) consider our impacts on individual and group health for existing and future generations. Epigenetic studies like this show how much environmental factors can have ripple

I agree with you in principle, but I also happen to love the voices. Is there a place in the universe for me??

sending you [high-five-cat.gif] for all of this. i actually went so far as to set up a "legit" account (this one), i don't know, like almost a year now of using what started out as a temporary Burner account but just became habit (@awwhellnah). the reasoning there being that "legit" accounts are maybe?

Thank you all for your efforts; I have a question.

How do you know, exactly, that burner accounts contribute any less than other people? I'm serious - I want to know, because I'm a little worn out on people talking out of their asses about this.

Agreed. They need a clear procedure for getting out of the grays. I posted for months (sometimes sporadically), I always posted relatively good quality posts (I check my spelling and try to stay on topic), and I sometimes even managed to get lots of recommends. I don't mind doing my time, but I need to know I'm

Jessica, I am so proud of you for standing up for your site, your authors and your commenting community.

I am very much against that belief that everyone must teach themselves. There are a lot of things I have learned about by reading sites such as Jezebel, that I would never have even realized to look into without other people bringing them up and explaining. Most people have to be exposed to something first and that