
Here’s what I don’t get: there’s a camera facing him, it runs the whole time. Can’t someone go back into the video feed and see what happens?

Major props to the drivers on this one. Having owned a Corvair, I can vouch for how bizarrely it behaves in low traction situations. Stepping on the brakes in snow causes the whole car to slide perpendicular to where you’re traveling. Great for parallel parking, but not much else.

Like Acidtonic? LOL!

lol. All I need season 2 to do is have at least 1 episode on par with the quality of Zima Blue thats it.


I miss Samsung’s “Active” line.

The author must know, or have looked up what CAT is. An enormous multinational company that makes equipment for construction... is making equipment for construction. My only guess is they have no clue how large the addressable market is. 

I’d imagine these are big in construction, manufacturing, welding, and many other circles like that. My dad was a construction foreman and his company provided similar phones to important people on job sites.

I'm surprised nobody had mentioned the Hagerty YouTube channel. Absolutely killer production value, and some of my favorite presenters. Sam Smith, Matt Farah, Jason Cammisa, etc. 

I got into watching Car S.O.S. on Disney+ ... it is quite good. There’s a full 7 seasons there. Basically, they “steal” a car from a deserving person (usually terminally ill) restore it, and surprise them with it. It’ll probably make you weepy a few times.

I’ve got the Nesco. Paid more than $100 for it last summer due to Covid surge pricing, but so far it’s been working well. I needed it then to help freeze a bumper crop of golden raspberries, and it worked well for that, also for dealing with good prices on food at Costco (where, BTW, you can get a good deal on a LARGE

I’ve got the Nesco. Paid more than $100 for it last summer due to Covid surge pricing, but so far it’s been working

It’s not the “big o”, but the ‘big boob’ on the front page of the site :) What is fine for women’s lib is considered harassment by HR!

It’s not the “big o”, but the ‘big boob’ on the front page of the site :) What is fine for women’s lib is considered

Hey Mercedes, just wanted to mention that I like most everything you’re doing here on Jalopnik, including this tool stuff, and you’ve been a great addition to the staff. I’ve already bought a couple of things you mentioned too. I hope they’re paying you enough to keep you around. Keep up the good work!

Oh so now we’re back to NSFW? And no warning! Yikes!

Oh so now we’re back to NSFW? And no warning! Yikes!

I mean.... they surround and beat on a cop car without having any backup by him. What would you expect to happen?

There are some after photos out there showing the police vehicle had the back glass completely broken out and some trim torn off. The crowd was not just standing around peaceably singing hymns.

Lol, so first of all, the title of the article is still misleading. I never said you couldn’t “have multiple opinions about one event,” so...?

Windows break, anyone in the crowd could be armed, molotov cocktails are a thing. Should he have floored it? No but was there danger, absolutely. Saying he should sit there and let them break into the cruiser is akin to allowing the idiot mob into the Capitol because its not their building. Claiming he was in no

Based upon videos I’ve seen online of street takeovers, the only difference in this instance is that it’s a police Explorer interceptor running over a spectator rather than a stanced Infiniti G35 losing control while doing a donut. Sick of those idiots giving car enthusiasts a bad image.

Hold up, so you go out doing a street takeover, attack a cop car as a mob, get run over, and the police get shit for it?

I should start doing this. I could totally be a millionaire on the settlement money.