
Good tunes are usually done to get a significant mileage increase and more power is just a bonus. The rolling coal guys can go ef themselves, but deletes and tunes aren’t always just because you want to blow smoke. People pulling heavy loads, especially over long distances, can see huge mileage increases and therefore

I’m glad you enjoyed this as much as I did. I’ve been telling everyone, DirtFish is one of those things that is expensive because it’s worth it. It’s above and beyond the most fun I have also ever had in a car and the people there make the experience so much better. 

Fun fact, the sheriff’s office (and Bronco) are now the site of DirtFish Rally School. The Bronco is still in the parking lot and they welcome you to come photograph it. And DirtFish is an AWESOME place to visit that is worth a road trip on its own, especially this Saturday. 

Streaming is such a mess it’s never made more sense to just pirate everything at this point. 

I definitely enjoyed it. I didn’t have high or low expectations as a big fan of the series, I just wanted them to get the spirit of the characters and villains right and I feel like they did a great job of it. My girlfriend, who has never seen the original, mostly enjoyed it. The biggest fault we jointly agreed on was

Electric cars still suck. The media just needs to getting paid to say they don’t. Electric. Cars. Suck. Everyone knows it. They’re REALLY overpriced. The infrastructure only supports them in very precise areas, and they have a mountain of quality issues well beyond Tesla. The real story is the same story it’s always

Trey and Matt saying what everyone knows and you’re all too dense to admit. 

Why sales staff even exist (not dealerships, SALES staff) is an absolute mystery to me. They are probably the part of the industry I want to deal with the very least and I’d rather choose my options and click “buy” any day of the week than deal with the pain in the ass that is automotive sales. 

Almost every video is an ad anyway. Everything trending is just someone with an affiliate link. Anyone remotely attractive (man or woman) is probably selling some kind of adult entertainment. Everything else is just someone else’s content with some dipshit in the corner doing a “reaction” to it. IG is no better. 

I’d sooner shoot someone for trying to steal my dog than breaking into my house. That said, breeding these terribly unhealthy designer dogs should be HIGHLY illegal. This is a the most selfish form of cruelty and should be a felony with a multi-year prison sentence and animal cruelty charges. 

That’s funny, I remember that story! I had an RC51 at the time and immediately said “no way in hell!” 

I love the focus of the gauge cluster, and the entire interior, on the driver in 2nd generation R8. No pop up screens, no touch screens (which look nice but suck in cars), extremely simply controls, controls that you can feel, and once you’re moving you have no reason to move your hands from the wheel unless you’re

I think the quiet part often needs to be the loudest thing we say if we’re every going to change it. I think the removal of shame from bad decisions set us pretty far back as a society.

Yes. I am going to tell you exactly that and I’d even bet on it because no one in the last at least 20 years has said “Man, that new Sentra/Rogue/Altima/Maxima sure is great.” But I have heard many, many, many people say “How the fuck is Nissan still in business with all of the most

Nissan makes the Z, the 15 year old GTR which still has a shit transmission, and a bunch of other rolling trash that people with low credit scores and rental fleets buy. That’s it. That is their entire lineup summed up. Anyone who says differently is getting paid by Nissan and someone needs to nut-up and tell Nissan

A CPO Audi SQ5 Prestige with Audi Care. Great interior quality, good power, even fun to drive! You’ll get a much higher level of luxury feel without the wasted money of buying new and taking the depreciation hit. Those 2021 leases should be showing up right now, so you can get all the latest features too.

I was going to mention this too and I agree. Anyone real car enthusiast who isn’t just a cheap, inadequate, attention whore hates takeovers and everyone involved. Once I learned the circumstances I had zero sympathy for these idiots. And you’re right, everyone there should be charged. 

This might actually stop me from buying another GM product. GM infotainment is some of the worst in the business and guaranteed to fail. 

Probably less of an issue with the side effects from the drug than a life of obesity. And the quality of life from not being obese is probably much higher for most people. This a gold mine for the drug maker. Time to buy stock. 

That snow looks really slushy. Airing down to about 10 probably would have helped here.