
Tight butthole guys, tight butthole.

Tight butthole guys, tight butthole.

Not sure, I watch it just to pass the time. And the two leading actresses aren't too bad either, so all in all, I could be passing the time in worse ways.

Not sure, I watch it just to pass the time. And the two leading actresses aren't too bad either, so all in all, I could be passing the time in worse ways.

Get stoned and play Tetris? HA! How are you supposed to get the high score like that? It's impossible I tell you, impossible.

Get stoned and play Tetris? HA! How are you supposed to get the high score like that? It's impossible I tell you, impossible.

Well, HipsterDBag, my school doesn't roll with the semester system, and this is one of the later midterms in my classes, still have one more for another class next week too.

Thanks, I did great on the first part, and have actually been studying (which I don't really do,) so I think it will be easy enough. Have a few classes I can study in and the whole morning before.

Have a midterm 2 hours before they air here in the west coast, so will try to finish in time to get home and seem them all live.

It happened with Southland, but that was TNT.

I think I ended up keeping a school copy of the book back when I was in elementary school, because it was one of my favorites. I can't really remember what ended up happening besides my mom having to pay some money to the school library. Don't even have the book, which makes me want to buy a new copy to have around

Saw the movie the day it came out On-Demand, and it was totally worth the price.

Said the same thing about FX when they axed Terriers, but Justified was too good to miss.

I do not remember that bit at all, good excuse to listen to them all again.

Maybe that is it, I think I was just over-thinking like usual.

I don't know if I missed something, but why does Paul call Winston, "Washington?"

It would totally be a tight butt-hole if this happens.

Don't spoil it for me, I just got a subscription to HBO Go and been going through Six Feet Under before I even start The Wire.

I would be lying if I said I didn't understand the appeal of Hardwick's empire of comedy, but I just don't seek it out for entertainment.

Well I checked it out on their site, and they have it on there too, although you do need to register for an account. Luckily my subscription just started and now I can use hbo go on the go*