
The whole of the San Fernando Valley is just the backdrop for porn movies, basically.

I would like to judge for myself since I thought last week's episode was good enough and I still have yet to figure out why you guys and gals hate Nancy Grace so much.

I don't get the hate that woman gets here, but then again I'm pretty out of the loop on most things. What has she done that is so bad?

Or they probably chose that location because that is where most of the pornography today is filmed… but who knows you may be right.

Well I did have that in mind and posted something about it, but I think the wedding threw her off and was more important than some small-time crush that took place 5 years ago.

It wouldn't be the first time Hope was kidnapped, remember Lucy's parents?

I know the wedding superseded anything else she learned before it, but I wonder what her reaction was when she figured out it was Goth Jimmy she had that crush on.

Really? I did see it a bit but it was a bit too dark to be sure.

I supported it for as long as it lasted… but I was just one man.

Wait… today is Tuesday? Damn, was already getting ready for that AHS finale. Guess you can say I prematurely shot my wad.

Wonder when it will be my time to go… if you are right in your statement. Worry not though, I'll be sure to send you a post card, if we still have that thing called a postal service.

What are his chances of being written into the movie?

I think they really should have called the handheld by its actual name… 3DS and not DS.

Haters are going to hate.
But I like the show, and I'm glad it has been renewed. Better than most other shows that are still on the air.