
Yes, to partition it with GPT you need to use the convert gpt command after cleaning the drive and before creating any partitions. If you’ve already created partitions, you’ll need to either delete them all or clean the drive again or convert gpt will throw up an error and not execute. Alternatively, you can use the m

As a nation, our collective health would be better if people generally drank less

I’m equally confounded by my church friends that refuse to wear masks - some for religious regions.  As Christians we’re supposed to care for others and treat them how we want to be treated but I guess that doesn’t apply to wearing a mask in public to protect others.  

When will I ever learn? :(

Hey now, don’t be blaming the Satan worshippers for this. They are very pro science.

Human meat would be weird.

I don’t think you’re gonna find many people who would give up their washing machine.  Dishwasher is nice but it’s not as nice as a washing machine.

Oh wow I forgot about that! I studied abroad in Australia and I remember a bunch of us Americans seeing these in the grocery stores and being like, uhhh.... what?

Correct answer reached. There really shouldn’t be any debate about this. 

When it comes to offal, I say liver let live.

Right...don’t let Word judge you for using two spaces. Let me be the one to judge you for that.

Not to be that person, but there definitely was a country called Palestine for a long while, if not a nation-state in the modern sense. We wouldn’t say Greece wasn’t a country before independence from the Ottomans, right?

We had a nation, it was taken from us.

Kicked in the balls so hard he flies out the window even. 

Haha! That’s so funny. Of course I wouldn’t have known that:) And I suppose “chicken” isn’t the most flattering comparison. ProbablyNew Zealand Falcon Man” would be more to his liking :D

Pretty sure humans are still classified as meat, even Snoop Dogg.

What an odd way to pronounce “chicken.”

Hold on, you’re telling me it’s 1000 chickens? You guys think you’re comedihens or somethin?’

I haven’t and those are awesome suggestions! I am going to seek that out and see where it takes me. Thank you, friend! 

I’m a foodie and love new, exciting, and sometimes super fancy dinner experiences. It’s not just the food, it’s a whole event (especially with likeminded friends!). My issue is: I don’t eat any seafood. It’s not an allergy, it all just tastes absolutely awful to me. I know: you’re probably thinking that I’m some picky