
Its too bad you didn’t run into Clausthauler. It genuinely tastes like beer. Especially the dry hopped version. I know entirely normal beer drinkers who drink it voluntarily. Every reformed alcoholic I know, knows it and looks for it. Its the only NA that ever wins the catagory in beer competitions. And more

Marion. Fucking. Le Pen.....

Christ, look at that line up.

Do I have to say it. KFC ran out of the soon to be most consumed meat in the world. They didn’t run out of chicken. The ran out of “Chikcen(TM)“. There is a reason why they had to change the name to KFC.

Bugger is the only one of these that I actually use and I’m frankly pissed that I can’t say it anymore. It’s not likely that anyone I say it to would ever know the source but I know it now and that’s enough.

They should double check to make sure they have the eggsact amount next time.

I would find it rude not to be. And you know what we do with the rude.

If there are only two dancers, and they are performing different moves, how is it possible to know which one is correct? I found Gaw’s explanation reasonably convincing. Did he make the wrong choice at the Superbowl? Hmmm. Is anyone looking for an interview with Right Shark?

“Red means stop. Green means go. Yellow means go very fast.”

Apparently she just had eye surgery to fix a lazy eye. Had to Google because I was like ‘what is happening here’.

Why do Hot Dogs come in 10 packs while Buns come in 8?

Generally people are suspicious of meat that has a greenish tinge. Doesn’t seem that weird to me.

Meh. We all know it was aliens. And they better included that in the game too.

I’ve known he is very cruisey from people in nyc and since he’s not out out it tends to be very backroom type stuff. I know he likes young and boyish, but usually legal just in the barely legal sense. While gross I just thought it was creepy, but I guess ok. However this does not surprise me in the least. He’s

The lady needs a dwarf sidekick.

Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?

Maybe the cheerleaders did something completely disgusting and amoral, like going to a restaurant with a married man.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

You ain’t safe even on the home shore.