
I agree - HW knew what was what. Isn’t he the one that called “Trickle Down” “VooDoo Economics”? and he obviously ably guided foreign affairs during the golf war. Ross Perot really screwed him.

Oh, for God’s sake, let’s not go overboard. He was a shit president who got us into a ridiculous war (to save our “ally” the King of Kuwait?!), imposed wretched anti-gay orders (ie: deporting HIV+ immigrants, gay men could’t donate blood - these cruel and misguided laws stood until Obama fixed them), and tanked the

Yeah, it’s just bizarre the way he keeps getting down on his knees in public for Trump and getting nothing in return.

I think it a very weird and twisted way, it was intended as a complement. It was to create a bizarre sense of intimacy “you and I are going to have the meatloaf.” Sort of like a guy ordering for his date, both a show of power and a show of intimacy. Perhaps he remembered Christie saying he loved Meatloaf, and

Yes, but it isn’t pretty.

Oh the croissants! And fresh bread! And world class pastries! And the wine!

I think that “thank god” has been sufficiently removed from the actual concept of “God” (or god) that it shouldn’t be problematic for you. Also leaving “god” uncapitalized is either a typo (given your footnote this seems unlikely), or it is a purposeful distinction from “God”- the King James translation for both

These roundup posts make me feel better. It’s like thank god * people are tracking all this BS. I still worry they are doing so much on purpose because it is harder to track every thing then.

Frederick Douglass died in 1895.

I don’t speak this language. Can somebody translate?

It’ll just be Breitbart, the National Enquirer and the Drudge Report.

Wow, I’m actually imagining that there may be no White House’s Correspondents dinner next May. I remember how steamed he was as Obama was bashing him the night before he announced he had Bin Laden killed. He released a copy of his birth certificate that Friday, made fun of Trump at the dinner Saturday night, and

Trump, Tim Allen, and Chachi eating KFC out of the bucket.

I know, right? Why can’t they just believe in the cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father and can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman

“Trump tweeted that Lewis is “all talk” and “no action” Dear Obertrumperfuhrer, do you know who this man is? What he’s gone through? what he has done? his actions compared to you? his suffering compared to your suffering? will you just pretend you never said it. he got beaten by cops marching for civil rights,

I read the NYT article before reading this article by Ms. Gold, and unfortunately, can’t outright disagree with her. I think particularly if you try and view the “public” evidence as a third party, say, like in Britain or Germany. I think it’s reasonable to say that the presented evidence is inconclusive for the

Don’t forget about David Bowie. The slaughter started with him. -_-

Poor Tiffany, even when she is standing right in front of her dad he will do everything he can to ignore her...

One is the child; the other is that birth mother who often will go through extraordinary guilt years later when she begins to think through what happened — with the baby, with her.

Why hate on the rolling droid? He's hardly one of the less practical droid designs and fits in really well against the OT..