Fawn Leibowitz

Seriously. I moved from Hawaii (a different coast than the one you were talking about, I realize) to Denver 5 1/2 years ago. The economy had crashed and I couldn't afford to stay in Hawaii, and I had a decent job opportunity in Denver, a city I had visited exactly once. But even before having to leave Hawaii, I

Currently reading Six Days of War, by Michael Oren, about the June 1967 war that resulted in Israel's occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, the Sinai peninsula and the Golan Heights. Incredible read.…

Where did I rush to anyone's defense? All I did was state a fact. And no, he was not charged. There was a criminal investigation, but no charges were ever filed. so get your facts straight before you jump down my fucking throat without knowing what you're talking about.

I'm not sure I understand your comment, but it seems to me he's been shamed quite a bit.

He was actually never charged with a crime - he wasn't tried.

...or even charged, for that matter.

I actually really love a lot of his movies. I haven't seen as much of his recent stuff, but he's put out some great ones: Annie Hall, Hannah and her Sisters, Radio Days, Purple Rose of Cairo, Manhattan Murder Mystery, Bullets Over Broadway, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Match Point, Vicky Cristina Barcelona...

I'm going through this right now and that is totally the approach that my (ex) hubs and I are taking - we've agreed on everything, we're splitting custody in a reasonable and workable way, we are civil and cordial to each other, especially in front of the kids, and everything is fine. I hear you about the logistics

What's scary is that so many parents think this way. It's insane. And it results in a generation of teens and young adults who are utterly incapable of taking care of themselves.

The statement that there were no Jews living on that land between the 3rd and 20th centuries is not true. Even after the Roman exile, there was a continuous Jewish presence there.


You obviously don't have a clue what you're talking about.

"Charity"? WTF are you talking about? People paid for a service that I provided.

OMG. That dog gif is about the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life.

You seem determined to make arguments based upon assumptions - you don't know what her qualifications were, or what here experience was, or what the job entailed. I'm not interested in flying blind like that, so we'll have to agree to disagree.

I hung out my own shingle. So yes, I was a partner.

We have no idea what kind of BA she had, or what kind of experience she had - maybe she had an undergrad communications major and was super smart and talented? How high up is a "Director of Corporate Communications" anyway? My point is, let's not just assume she has no talent/qualifications and is only eye-candy

my bad - I hit "reply" in response to the wrong comment. We agree!

Gotta disagree with you there. When I was 24 I was practicing law.

Now I want to re-binge-watch all of Arrested Development on Netflix.