I'm actually fairly confident that it won't, but thanks for playing.
I'm actually fairly confident that it won't, but thanks for playing.
What the fuck are you talking about? "if i ever got physical during our fights"??? This is not normal behavior for daughters. Never in a million years would I have gotten "physical" with my mother, nor did I ever have any desire to, and neither would any of my friends with their mothers. My own daugher is 4 years…
And yet, the world continues spinning.
Nope. In soccer, a national team is referenced in the plural. It's Ghana "were."
Edibles are fucking hard core. I ate a whole lollipop not realizing it contained about 5 servings of THC (I realized it was a "medicinal" lollipop, just not how strong it was), and I was sick as hell for about 36 hours. Brutal.
You don't need to justify yourself to anyone. Enjoy your practice, advertise your classes, live your life, and tell the critics to fuck off and mind their own business.
I have children and I'm glad I do, but it was also a decision that I made thoughtfully and deliberately. I firmly believe that not everyone is cut out for it, and if you don't want them, definitely don't have them. I have never understood people who try to convince others that they need to have children, or that…
Her big cause is getting Instagram to show nipples? Way to aim low on the social justice meter.
Great gams and face. I'm not crazy about the hair, and that dress is all kinds of boring.
Meh. There's nothing interesting about a fitted lace gown. And that veil looks like she's wearing mosquito netting.
People in these states need to get out and vote in November.
Word. This isn't even a question. The Jeffersons wins everthing.
Most of the people I went to college with donate to the school, as do I, as does my father (also an alum). The same with people who went to other schools. I actually know very few people that don't donate to their undergra.d institutions
Indeed. This morning my 4 year old informed me that I was "a disgrace" because I wouldn't give her a large bag of candy before taking her to school. Which made me laugh out loud, but still.
It's like a physical manifestation of their complete love for and reliance upon you. My kids are now 4 and 6, and though it doesn't happen as often as it used to, they'll still wrap themselves around me and put their heads on my shoulder when they need some reassurance, encouragement, comfort, whatever. If I could…
So sweet.