(ok, in that case, her sorrows must be pretty small because you couldn't even drown the average mouse in a champagne flute)
(ok, in that case, her sorrows must be pretty small because you couldn't even drown the average mouse in a champagne flute)
You win the internet today. Well done.
I would have loved it if his show was all interviews - I always thought that Craig's interviews blew everyone else's out of the water.
Regardless of whether or not the article misuses the term "career" (and I personally don't believe it does), your ultimate assertion that the choice of the word = "girls are stoopid about sports" is just dickish.
The Duke case is very different. In that case, Duke elected to settle out of court (they were never found liable) in a lawsuit that alleged that they had colluded with the district attorney (among others) to see them wrongfully convicted of a claim where there was exculpatory evidence that had been suppressed. Mike…
LOL. I highly doubt it, but hey, whatever gets you (and the multitudes of legal experts with whom you are apparently consulting) through the night. I'd be very interested in hearing their specific legal theories.
School law differs significantly from employment law on this point. The vast majority of universities, both public and private, state explicitly in their bylaws/student handbooks/codes of conduct etc. that the school's judicial/disciplinary process is separate and distinct from criminal proceedings, and that students…
That's certainly their right, but I'm pretty familiar with the law in this area.
I said "accused" which means that it's alleged (I am a lawyer - I chose my words carefully). And again, this is a private school — they can expel for any number of reasons, and plenty of private schools do have policies expelling students for "alleged" offenses. Sure, they could file a civil suit, but civil suits…
Sure they can. AU is a private university - they can absolutely have a policy to expel a student for being accused of a crime such as theft, assault, rape, or anything else. There is nothing to prevent it.
I am experiencing an irrational level of joy at the news about Beiber's detention. I have no idea why I give a single fuck, yet apparently I do.
No doubt. I feel like she lives in a parallel universe where somehow she's completely full of shit, everyone knows she's full of shit and yet there are no consequences for any of her blatantly bad behavior.
Mine too! Now I'm obsessed with finding Emily Goodhand!
I feel like this is Jezebel's Manti Te'o story.
That's a seriously cute bebeh.
It's not defamation if it's true.
That happened with my grandparents as well. My grandfather was completely devoted to my grandmother (who was, frankly, a difficult, bitchy woman - she lucked out with him). She died when she was 89 - they had been married something like 67 years at that point. He was 93, perfectly healthy and had great "longevity"…
It will pass. At around 13 weeks, you will suddenly feel human again. It happened with both my pregnancies. If you manage to drag your booty to the gym in the meantime, kudos to you, but I wouldn't sweat it. Just about every one of my friends went through a period of being completely exhausted during this point in…