I'm not condoning any "piece of meat" treatment, but just to clarify - Lupita Nyong'o is not a "seasoned Hollywood actress" with an "oeuvre". She's fresh out of drama school. 12 Years a Slave was her first feature film.
I'm not condoning any "piece of meat" treatment, but just to clarify - Lupita Nyong'o is not a "seasoned Hollywood actress" with an "oeuvre". She's fresh out of drama school. 12 Years a Slave was her first feature film.
Also, those shoes need to be burned.
I love that stuff. Thanks for posting these.
Senators often serve on multiple committees, many with hearings that overlap, so it's not unusual for senators to have to forego one hearing for another that they're chairing, or for them and their staffers to pop in and out of hearings as their schedules permit.
I love Louis C.K. so much. Based on his interviews and other statements of his I've heard, he seems like an amazing father.
I love Louis C.K. so much. Based on his interviews and other statements, he sounds like an amazing father.
Agreed, though I would note that except for the swimsuit issue (which until the 90s wasn't even its own issue - it was a 10 or so page feature within a regular issue), the magazine reports on sports in ALL of its issues. And while men's sports are more heavily reported than women's sports, SI does great reporting on…
My first took 29 hours, with 4 hours of pushing. My second took 5 hours, with 20 minutes of pushing. Everyone assured me that the second would be nothing like the first. I didn't believe them, but they were right. Good luck!
I went to Costa Rica with a couple of girlfriends to go to surf camp. At the time I was living and practicing law in Atlanta. He was my Australian surf instructor at the camp. 10 years later, we're married with 2 kids.
What a fucking travesty. Amanda Knox needs to invest in Rosetta Stone's Portuguese discs so she can high-tail it to Brazil if this joke of a verdict is upheld (they don't extradite).
Yep, totally ignorant.
But she didn't come up with the notion of the bar owner as a suspect on her own. The Italian police, in the interrogation that the court of appeals threw out because it was conducted illegally, suggested him as a possible suspect and asked her to imagine if he had done it.
Except that it was the Italian police who suggested to her that she imagine he was the one that did it. She didn't come up with it.
But at least in the OJ trial, the error was on the side of letting a guilty man go free, which is consistent with the way the U.S. system is designed. We don't get to keep trying the case until we get the verdict we want.
There is no physical evidence - none - linking her to the crime, nor is there any credible motive. The interrogation at which she allegedly incriminated herself was conducted illegally and was already held by the Italian court of appeals to be inadmissible. The one witness who implicated her has changed his story…
I actually never cared for Dunham much, but goddammit, now I'm starting to like her! Jezebel, on the other hand, I'm kind of done with. I've been a reader for a while and always enjoyed it, but lately it's just turned me off, and this was the last straw. It's just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Word. This is gross.