That's an amazing story.
That's an amazing story.
It's a trade-off for sure. But given the choice between having them late (when I was ready) and not having them at all, having them wins easily.
I had my first at 37 and my second at 39 (I'm almost 44 now). We are constantly out with the kids biking, hiking, taking them skiing, going on beach vacations and teaching them to surf, running around at the park, going to the pool in the summer, whatever. We would be doing all that stuff anyway, but it's more fun…
Solidarity, sister.
That sounds awful. But the fact that you have such self-awareness is probably a good indicator that you're unlikely to recreate an unhealthy familial environment. It doesn't have to be a self-perpetuating cycle. My dad grew up in a pretty miserable household — his father was lovely, but his mother was a cold,…
I totally agree. I grew up in a loving, happy, wonderful family that also happened to be loud. Lots of spirited debate and noisy conversations, and occasional yelling. Not screaming in our faces or out-of-control rage, but just loud expressions of displeasure (which were always deserved). My brothers and I are all…
Yeah, that happened with the first one. I pushed for four fucking hours after it wore off. It sucked. But then it was over, and I got a really great kid out of it.
Word. I make the bulk of the money, pay the bills, make any arrangements that need to be made, do the grocery shopping and cooking, do most of the cleaning, and while my husband is a great dad, I always get the sense that when we're both home with the kids, he feels like he's semi-off duty. Drives me fucking nuts. …
One word: epidural.
It may feel secular because it's been thoroughly run through the commercialization-o-matic of capitalism, but in this one instance, it's pretty hard to yearn for a time when Halloween was just about the simple pleasures of remembering the dead.
Frank's Red Hot sauce tastes exactly like Tabasco, for 1/4 of the price. I used to be all about the Tabasco until I discovered Frank's.
I knew my husband was "the one" because he was the first guy I ever felt comfortable farting in front of.
Not all Australians are racist, but being married to an Aussie and having spent a good amount of time there, I absolutely think that there is a level of open, casual racism that is acceptable in Australian society that is quite shocking. I love Australia — it's a beautiful, amazing country full of friendly, warm,…
I've never met any. And I say that as someone with an Aussie husband.
I've lived all over the world and all over the U.S., and after living here for about 4 1/2 years, I can definitively say I never want to leave. I adore this place.
Woman who are 38 weeks pregnant are sexy as shit. Good luck with baby — you're so close!
This made me laugh so hard. Well done.
You were on your third date with Foster's before you ever saw him wear shoes. He makes you pay extra for the cable channel that broadcasts international rugby games (he used to play). He is an excellent mountain-biker, but frequently comes home with something either sprained or broken because he has no regard for…
HAAAAA! I met my husband on a surf trip to Costa Rica. When he moved into my house after we had spent a total of 14 days together, one of his hostess gifts was a bottle of Guaro. We now have two children together.
When did Skylar ever stay home? She's an accountant.