Fawn Leibowitz

I know, I love it. Plus it's a really cute baby, and the way he's sitting, all chill with his elbow resting on the bed, just kills me. What a little muffin.

Unfortunately, it's still terminal. Her doctor was interviewed and explained that the cancer responded to the treatment, but that with this kind of cancer, it's a matter of when, not if, the cancer will become resistant to the treatment. It's bought her some time, though, which is always a good thing.


I have no personal experiences relating to this video and it makes me bawl every time, so I can't even imagine what it must be like for someone that can relate even a little bit.

Seriously. I find Lena Dunham insufferable. So I will happily await Lena Waithe's work without reference to anyone else.

I did the same thing when my kids were babies.

Now playing

Or better yet, watch the video. It is beautiful, regardless of who made it. There is nothing disingenuous about it. I hate the argument that certain groups get to pick or judge who sticks up for them, or that the support of someone outside of the group is somehow lesser. Support for equality, regardless of the

That baby shoved in the little slot is freaking hysterical. You could just stick babies in there like you do your rings in the slots in a jewelry box.

Damn right.

Agreed. I also think that any broad social support for equality for a minority group - be it racial, sexual preference, whatever - will only gain traction when it is embraced by the majority. Only having gay people support gay marriage doesn't do anything for the cause - the message has to be embraced, internalized

I actually don't either, but it struck me that she dated Harry Styles fairly recently and I was curious about it, so I looked it up.

But the song came out in October 2012 (which means it was written and recorded well before then), and she and Harry didn't even start dating until a month later. I think she's playing like it's about Harry to insult him and garner attention for herself, but it's bullshit. The timelines don't add up. So she's

What's even more ridiculous is that there's no way that song was written about him - it came out in October 2012, and they broke up in January 2013. So she's basically using the song to diss him when it wasn't even about him. Obnoxious.

Word. My husband is an Aussie and he fully admits that the racism there is outrageous. The way his relatives casually drop obscenely racist observations into their conversations makes my skin crawl.

Ha! My husband's Australian, so that was one of the first onesies we bought when we had kids.

Gotta love the Aussies.

It's why we fought for independence. For burgers like that.

That attitude is not only asshole-ish, it's bad business. You want great employees? Make them feel like valued human beings, not drones. Give them proper benefits, be understanding when they've got a sick kid or need some flexibility. They will appreciate the humane treatment, work harder, be more productive, be

I went halfway on that point — there is a line of bridesmaid's dresses (don't remember who makes them) in which you pick the color and then there are different styles of separate tops and skirts — strapless, tank, a-line, pencil skirt, etc. So the bridesmaids and I picked the color we all liked, and then they got to

I "shaved" with my dad as well. He would give us razors that had no razor blades in them. One of my fondest childhood memories.