Fawn Leibowitz

Calm down. I'm Jewish and I was joking around about the stereotype of the warm, very much non-stoic interactions in Jewish families, including my own. It's no more bigoted than the suggestion that all Swedes are cold.

Swedish Jews must be very confused. My people do not do stoic.

"On Her Majesty's Secret Cervix" is inspired. Fucking brilliant.

"For $50, you get 51 tiny diapers - that's the best deal."

I love leftovers, especially with food that has some spice. Chinese food and Indian food all taste better the next day, as does chili.

I feel the same. There's a vibe of "my shit doesn't stink and I'm too important for you" about her that really turns me off.

Honestly, there's never a perfect time, so you may as well go for it. I always tell myself that people have been figuring out how to feed and clothe their kids for thousands of years, so I can figure it out as well. Good luck!

And legal recreational marijuana! ;)

We have full-day public preschool and kindergarten in Colorado, and then the after-school care is at the school and is pretty cheap. Our bill this year will go down by $500 a month, and then next year it will go down another $900.

The naked rock-climbing and naked motocross biking blows my mind. All in all, the bodies and the pictures are beautiful.

You make it work. Daycare is crazy expensive, and if you had told me before having kids that I would be able to come up with an extra mortgage payment every month, I would have though you were high. But we cut back on luxuries and focus on the basics, and we still live very comfortably and have a great time with our

Yep. That's dresser change to Beyonce and Jay-Z.

There is a world of difference between lack of standing, i.e., you don't have a personal stake in the outcome therefore you can't bring suit, and the argument that a white person can't be the victim of racial discrimination. The latter is more of a "failure to state a claim" defense, but it would also fail — after

I find this gif mesmerizing. I can't stop watching it.

That makes me smile. He seems like a terrific kid.

I don't see that last review as unfavorable — I see it as an ironic wink at the abortion debate (i.e., Davis railing against men deciding the issue of women's health for them).

He totally reminds me of my son (who looks to be the same age, around 5) — putting "Mr." in front of everything, repeating goofy jokes, and just generally being adorable. It is the BEST AGE.

Yes, but the problem right now is that there aren't enough grownups in Congress to get this done, and without a formula, the law has no teeth, so effectively, the protections of the law are gone.

My grandmother owned these EXACT bedroom slippers. I might have to get a pair.

OK, setting aside the argument about semantics, is your point that if I'm going out to eat (thereby "relying" on someone else to cook for me), I'm not a responsible adult? Anyone who pays someone else to do something for them like cook or clean isn't a responsible adult? That's absurd.