Fawn Leibowitz

You know girl has never changed a poopy diaper in her life. That's what minions are for. Bling away, baby!

Oh, please. I'm a responsible adult and a very good cook, but if I could afford to have someone else do it for me, I totally would. I wouldn't be "relying" on other people to do the cooking — I'd be paying them.

I like to think of it as the travel equivalent of a trip to the Ruby Tuesday salad bar.

HA!!! That is EXACTLY what I was thinking.

I love love love the 3/4 sleeves with gloves look. Clearly, I was born in the wrong era. Give me Doris Day in "Pillow Talk" any day.

Agreed. Everything she wears is way too tight, which just emphasizes her pregnancy/size even more. But being 5'2" and pregnant sucks — I didn't gain a ton of weight, which was nice, but I always felt like I needed 4 or 5 inches of torso that I was never going to get. It's really uncomfortable in the later months.


"Substance abuse leading to rape" — so now anytime someone drinks, other people are allowed to assume they consent to sex, even if they are unconscious?? You have got to be fucking kidding me.

It has been. I'm curious about the statute of limitations on this.

+1. I watched both my grandmothers waste away to the point of being incapable of walking, largely because they decided they didn't feel like it any more. They lived for years like this - muscles atrophied, no energy, not able to do anything interesting or fun.

Height definitely makes a huge difference. I'm 5'2", and with both my pregnancies, my overwhelming sense was that I needed another 4 inches of torso.

+1. I wondered the exact same thing.

"'Because, science' is as bad a reason as 'Because, autism'"? How do you figure? "Because, science," means that the scientific research, meta-studies and body of knowledge support the provision of vaccines. "Because, autism" is an argument that has been thoroughly debunked by the science. So, no, I don't consider


Seriously. It looks vulgar, and all I can see (other than bulging boobies) is that they must have airbrushed the shit out of her pubic area.

And it was a nice nod to the fact that, except for Colin Powell, there hasn't been a male Secretary of State since Warren Christopher in Clinton's first term.

Legally, the court could rule against them on any number of issues and avoid the personhood question altogether, and I suspect that's what the court will do. Courts like to base their decisions on the simplest reasoning possible, and avoid constitutional or other sticky questions if they can.

Me too. I love Doris Day. And Pillow Talk is one of my all-time favorite movies.

I did the same. It's a doozy.
