Fawn Leibowitz

Thank you. My mother had (and continues to have) a super-cool and important career from the time I was about two. I always felt like she set a great example - she was good at her job, and I never felt like I lacked quality time and attention. In fact, when she took a year of sabbatical while my dad was doing a

If you think that taking on big agribusiness is easier than educating people on making healthier food choices, I want to live in your universe.

why are the two mutually exclusive?

Whenever conclusions are reached based upon data and statistics, there are always outliers. So no, not every person who is overweight eats junk food and does no exercise, just as not every person eats junk food and does no exercise is overweight. But as a general rule, there is absolutely a correlation between

Well said.


+1. I'm so weary of the suggestion that pointing out that obesity is a national health problem (which it absolutely is), and suggesting that people adopt habits that could battle that trend, amounts to fat shaming.

As another owner of a substantial rack, I thought she looked vulgar. I hated most of the looks — strapless dresses have to fit perfectly to look good, and even then it's not a sure thing — it struck me as a sea of ill-fitting strapless dresses that did nothing for the wearers, with very few exceptions.

Poor, poor Mitt. After all, nobody ever curses Obama's name or accuses him of being a closeted Muslim terrorist hell-bent on destroying the country. It's soooooo unfair!

Ha! "laughed like Nelson" FTW!

No one is mocking him for his choice to wait until marriage. They're mocking him for presuming that his way is the only right way, and for being a smug, sanctimonious asshole about ir.

"Uppertons" FTW!

Exactly. which means the reason they won't sue is because it's true.


Sign language is great for babies. Their receptive language abilities develop before their expressive abilities, so using basic signs for things like "eat", "drink", "more", "all done" are great for bridging the gap between them being able to understand speech and being able to duplicate it. Plus it's so damned cute.

horrifying is what it is.

Seriously. Don't apologize, Harry! You did nothing wrong!

I would fly around my sleeping schedule if I could sleep on planes in coach, but I can't. So when I flew business class from Atlanta to Sydney (I used frequent flyer miles) and sat upstairs in the 747, it was so amazing to be able to sleep comfortably (in addition to all the other benefits). When I did the same

I thought that, too! I was all ready to tsk-tsk and say, "kids today, just no patience..."

Could not agree more. He broke no laws and betrayed no vows. I'm just jealous I wasn't there, too.